Chapter 1: Pilot

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I walked through my family farmlands as I took a deep breath in and closed my eyes. A breeze blew across my face as my long black hair blew along with it . Things were tough in these parts of the country. My dad had passed away . My mom was dealing with depression ever since his death. It's like a part of us died with him . We were two kids in our family my baby sister Regina and me . Jus as I was wandering of Regina came hoping along.

"Alex they have come to take you " she said and I sighed . I didn't want to leave my family behind. Besides I had never been to the big city before. Going to New York scared me but I had to so I could work and be able to take care of my mother and sister . I dragged my feet back home, walked into the house greeted Mrs. Williams . I went to my room took my small bag and took a look back at my room . The old blankets , the dusty windows. The old chair and table .

I knew I was gonna miss this place . I walked towards my broken mirror and in front me stood a 18year old girl in a knee high dress . Her big brown eyes staring back at her . I didn't see the beauty in me ,I appeared jus as normal as any other girl . I walked away towards the door and closed it.
"Don't worry Anna she will be alright " Mrs Williams assured my mother . My mother gave a slight nod and I ran into her arms and hugged her tears welling up my eyes .

"Don't worry I will be back " I whispered and kissed her cheek . I hugged my little sister . We said our goodbyes and we got into the car ,and drove off. I looked out the window and closed my eyes . This was it , the day I leave the nest.

We arrived in the city as  I noticed the large number of cars speed by . The bright lights shining in the night . I had never seen so many people since I lived in a small village. We arrived at her huge mansion and I got out of the car. I looked around taking in every detail of the magnificent structure .

"Alex let's go in " Mrs. Williams motioned for us to walk in . We went inside and it felt as if I was in heaven . I stared at the chandelier in the middle of the room . "Let me show you your room " She said and I followed her upstairs. It was a big room compared to my tiny room back home white sheets nicely spread , a big mirror and a huge closet . I laughed to myself comparing the closet to my small bag with only five dresses in it . It had an in-suite  bathroom.

"You can freshen up and come join us for dinner down stairs "she said and closed the door . I took off my dress got in the shower as the cold water hit my skin . When I was done I tied my hair into a ponytail and wore a pink long dress . I went down stairs found my way to the dining room and heard Mrs. Williams and another voice talking more like arguing.

"Jayson you know I'm trying to make things work !"
   "Well you're not trying hard enough. After everything I did for us you still went ahead and slept with that bastard "
"Please for the sake of our marriage I'm sorry ..."They all looked at me as I walked in

"Alex please take a sit " Mrs Williams said as she tried to compose herself .
"Jayson this is Alex the new house help I was telling you about and Alex this is Jayson my husband " she said .
"Nice to meet u Mr Williams "I said and he looked up at me . Something  made my stomach turn upside down as he stared into my eyes . His perfect jaw line ,his slick long brown hair tied into a nice ponytail ,his blue eyes . Damn I shouldn't be thinking about this but something made me feel this way . He too was stuck in a trance and stammered
"Nice to to meet u too Alex" he said and slightly coughed .

Then his voice gave me a chill. I looked down at my plate . "Let's eat " Mrs Williams broke the silence . I started to eat but my thoughts confused the shit out of me . Why was I feeling this way? After we were done eating Mrs Williams showed me around the house and I washed the plates and went to sleep . Something told me my visit here was going to cause trouble.

Jayson's POV
I was hurt by Michelle. How could she sleep with another man in our bed ? The disrespect . The anger and depression was the only thing flowing in my veins. But suddenly I couldn't feel any of that as I looked at this amazingly beautiful girl with big brown eyes staring at me . I was stunned. Alex .... that's the name that kept repeating itself in my ears . I slept in my bed beside that bitch but all I could think about was the girl sleeping in the guest room. Her arrival made me wonder what will happen.

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