The boys were still traveling around the US and were no where near the girls at the moment, they kept up with them however they could. Skype, phone calls, text messages, twitter, watching interviews, anything that could bring them a little closer to the boys.

"Steph! A new interview was just posted!" Devan yelled to Stephanie who was sitting right next to her.

Stephanie leaned closer to the computer as Devan pressed play.

"So boys how is everyone?!" The interviewer asked excitedly.

They  all replied good and asked how she was.

"That's good!" She smilled. "So how is the music going?"

"Uh it's going really well, we're hoping to have another album out in a few months so everyone look out!" Zayn smiled.

"Wow that's great! And you boys are still on tour right now?"

"Yup! Only about a month left! Then we will go home have a short break and record the new album.

"Wow seems like you guys are doing great! On tour, new album, everyone around the world loves you!"

"Yeah, we're just trying to have some fun and see how everything turns out!" Harry added.

"It's loads of fun, we get to travel the world with our best mates!" Louis joined in wrappign an arm around Liam.

"So with all this excitment do you boys miss home?"

Of course we miss home. We just cope with it any way we can, we have our family how have always supported us. We have our friends, our girlfriends and each other. Going home becomes something so special and I think being away is great because you realize how much people care about you and how much you care for people. It's insane how much you can miss your old life back at hime but I thik I speak for all the boys when I say this but we wouldn't chane our current lives in any way." Liam finished off his little speech earning aw's from the other boys but they knew it was all true.

The interviewer smiled but had picked up on one certian word during his answer. "Girlfriends? So boys show of hands who's taken?"

All of the boys raisd their hands.

"So are you saving all of One Direction are currently taken?" She asked shocked.

"Yup!" Louis answered smiling.

"So now the next question..who are the lucky girls?"

Louis started off answering the question. "Well I'm still with my girlfriend Eleanor."

"I'm back with Danielle!" Liam smiled happily.

"Zayn?" She looked at him questioningly as she smiled.

"Well I'm just seeing a girl right now, nothing is official yet..I would love for it to be but we will see what happens." He smiled thinking of Lexi a girl he met in grade school who he had remained in contact with this whole time.

She smiled at his answer aqnd then looked over to to Niall and Harry. "And what about you boys?"

"Well I'm dating Devan!" Harry smiled.

"And I'm dating Steph!" Niall smiled as well.

Most of the fans at this point knew who the two best friends were, you couldn't really be best friends with One Direction and not go unoticed.

Devan and Stephanie sat behind the computer screen on Stephanie's bed unable to believe that their realtionships had been officially made public to the whole world.

"And how is that going boys?" She asked.

"Yeah how is that going?" Louis asked sarcastically.

Niall chuckled before giveing his answer. "It's great actually, I love her and she loves me. I'm really happy right now."

"Aw." The boys mocked him but Niall was to busy thinking about Stephanie to notice.

"Yeah I love Devan, she's there for anything and I am really grateful for that. She's the best." He laughed.

The boys mocked him as well.

"We love you too girls!" Zayn yelled to the camera.

"Yeah we missed you too!" Louis added.

Liam smiled and waved to the camera. " Movie night when we come back!" Liam laughed.

Devan and Stephanie were practically turning to mush behind the screen as they heard all the things the boys were saying. They really did love them more than anything.

"Aw that's great boys!" She giggled. "See girls don't give up hope! Two ordinary girls from New Jersey got to date One Direction!" She smiled at thje camera not expecting the boys to say anything else.

"No." Niall responded.

"Excuse me>"

"There is nothing ordibnary about our girls."


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