Chapter 1: The Beginning

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Chapter 1

The Beginning

I sit down at my desk in my room and pull out my biology homework. After about 30 minutes I hear Harry and his friends come in. I roll my eyes. Great there goes my quite time to study. I hear them in the kitchen yelling, laughing, and taking any food they can get their hands on. Shortly after they go to Harry’s room and start band practice. The noise was too much and I slam my book shut and stomp to Harry’s room. To no surprise it was locked so I start pounding on his door. It is flung open to reveal Louis. I stumble back a little considering how we were almost touching. Louis steps to the side and I look past him to see Harry giving me a fake innocent look, “Sorry, Sis. Were we bothering you?” I glare at him and march over to him, “Harry! I am trying to study!”

Harry shrugs, “Well, that’s too bad isn’t it?”

My shoulder’s slump, “Harry, can you please be a little quieter?”

He walks over to his drums, “Can you be a little less uptight?”

I clench my fists, “Harry! Believe it or not, I, unlike you, care about my future! SO SHUT UP AND LET ME STUDY!”

He raises an eyebrow, “Go to the library or something.”

I roll my eyes, “Do you really think that wouldn’t have been my first option? It’s closed.”

He plays with his lip ring and just shrugs. Again. I close my eyes and take a deep breath, “Harry, we have a biology test tomorrow a-”

“We have a biology test tomorrow?”

I sigh, “Yes, Niall. And I don't want to fail it, so please be just quiet for 20 minutes and I’ll leave you alone for the rest of the day.”

He considers it for a moment, “The rest of the week.”

I open my mouth to protest but he cuts me off, “Take it or leave it.”

I sigh, “I’ll take it.”

He looks at the clock, “20 minutes. Go.”

I glance at Louis as I exit and he smirks at me. I look away and keep walking. Just as I get out I stop and turn back around. Harry sighs, “What?”

I smile sweetly at him, “Since it’s for the rest of the week can I have 45 minutes?”

Harry glances at the rest of the boys and they all shrug. He rolls his eyes, “Fine.”

I squeal and jump up. I run over to him and give him a kiss in the cheek, “Thank you, Harry!”

He wipes my lipstick of his cheek, “Yeah, yeah. Now go.”

I skip off happily and yell before closing my door, “You’re the best brother ever!”

He yells back, “I know!” I study for 45 minutes and I hear them resume band practice. Sighing I put my books back in my book bag and walk out to the living room. I have about an hour and a half of watching the discovery channel when everyone piles into the living room. Harry takes the remote from my hand and changes the channel. I glare at him, “I was watching that!”

He smirks, "And I'm watching this."

I lunge for the remote but he holds it out of my reach. I'm stretched across his lap with my fingers just inches from the remote. He stands up, "Come and get it."

I jump for it but I miss, "Harry that's not fair! I'm so much shorter than you!" I get up on top of the couch in hopes if tricking him but he's too fast and he climbs up to. I pull off his beanie taking him by surprise. I lunge for the remote and I finally grab it. He doesn't let go and we both begin tugging.

"Harry, I had it first!" I yell

"I'm older than you!" He tells back.

I gasp, "Only by two and a half minutes!"

I push him of the couch and he stumbles back. I jump on his back reaching for the remote.

He spins in circles trying to shake me lose, “Give up already, Mary!"

I struggle to stay on, "I won't give up on what's rightfully mine!"

"You mean MINE!"

"No! I mean mine!"

I fall off his back into the wood floor. I sit up and see Harry toss the remote to Louis and Louis plops down on the couch. I glare at him and he smirks at me, "Sorry, babe."

I blush and stand up brushing myself off. I grab my purse and head towards the front door. I hear Zayn say, "Harry, Mary's leaving."

Harry pokes his head out of the kitchen, "Mary, where are you going?"


He nods, "Oh okay have fun."

I smile and say before closing the door, "I will."

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