"Wow that was intense" I say and the girls nod.
"Ok let's shopping" Addi says making all of us laugh.

When we come back to sway the boys are doing their usual stupid shit.
"We are backkk" Mads says.
"And we have foood" I scream, now all the boys come to the kitchen.

"We got taco bell" Avani says.
They all start eating while I go to my room. I didn't get anything. I hope no one noticed it.

I hear a knock on the door.
"Come in" I say and the door is open showing a smiling Jaden holding a quesadilla in his hands.
"Hey I noticed you didn't eat, eat at least the quesadilla" Jaden says with a soft smile.

"Jae I don't want it" I say.
"Did you eat something today?" He asks me.
"I ate cereals for breakfast" I say, I never skip breakfast, it's my favorite meal.

"Can you eat this? Please?" Jaden says.
"Jaden I'm not hungry, I don't have an Ed, I promise" I say.
"I know, but skipping meals it's not healthy also when you don't have one" he says but I'm not convinced.

"Mhh what about you eat half of the quesadilla and I eat the other half in here?" He asks and I nod.
He sits on my bed with the plate and we start to eat.

"I saw you met HollyWood fix today" he says and I nod.
"Yeah it was crazy, me and paparazzi? What the hell? And I hate talking to the camera because my accent is so marked" I say.
I literally hate my accent.

"What do you mean? I love your accent" Jaden says and I blush.
"So when is the song coming out?" I ask Jaden.
"Considering is now September 24th, I was thinking like  end of october, like for Halloween" he says and I nod.

"What about your song" he says.
"I was thinking like a month after yours, like for thanksgiving" I say.

"Pray will come out like in March, there is another one before that" he says.
"I'll have to wait that long?" I ask pouting.
"Of course not" he smiles and I smile back.

"How are you? Like for real, I know this situation with chase sucks" I ask Jaden.
"I don't know, he was my best friend, and he went behind my buddy's back, plus it's so disrespectful for Charli, I didn't think he could be capable of doing something like this" he says, I can see how sad he is, so I hug him.

It's now Sunday night so I have to go back home. I also want to see Megan, we haven't had that much time to talk.
I promised the boys that I'll be around a little more this week.

"Sophieeee I missed you so much" Megan says hugging me.
"Me too, this week has been so full" I say and she nods.

"So how are you and Tyler?" I ask smirking and she blushes.
"He is so nice, like I already knew him but when it's us two he is even more perfect" she says, she almost has heart-shaped eyes.
"Aww that's so cute, I am so glad you are happy" I say truly.

"What's going on between you and Jaden, I know you said you are just friends but for real?" She asks me and I lower my head.

"I'm not lying when I say we are just friends, we are for real" i say.
"But?" Meg asks me to keep going.

"I think I like him, I feel so good when I'm with him, and I love spending time with all of you, but when I'm with Jaden it's just different. I feel like I am a version of myself that is the true one. But I don't know, I've never had a guy best friend so I don't know if that's the normal feeling for a friendship you know? I don't know if it's just because of the small compliments or for the attention, of if I genuinely have feelings for him" I spit my heart out.

Megan is like shocked.
"Girl, you like like him, a lot" she says and I blush.
"Yeah whatever, he would never like me back, it's not that because we almost kissed two times it means he like me back." I say.

So what?- Jaden HosslerWhere stories live. Discover now