Fall of the King

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I slid down the wall with my back pressed against it. I held my side to stop the bleeding , but it didnt help much. Kaiba watched, unmoving, unseeing. At least I had gotten him out. The two main doors that led to the arena burst open. I winced expecting guards to drag me off again, but the hands that touched my shoulder were light, and careful. I laughed as I reconized Joey and Tea. The sound of the gun going off must have caught their attention. I heard one of them call my name, but little else, between the pain in my arm and new bullet wound. I was losing blood, fast. Joey helped me to my feet, and urged me to a room, but I shook my head. If they were in the arena, then the final battle had started.

I wanted to be there when the " King " of this island fell. I needed to see it with my own eyes. With many protests, I had Joey lead me out onto the balcony. I held my wound tightly, feeling the warm blood seep through between my fingers. I leaned on the rails for support, and Kaiba had silently followed us out. At the sight of us, Pegasus looked both amused and furious. He shot us death glares before turning his gaze at his own guards. I notcied the pedestal had turned back around, and the noose still hung from the wall. The rest of the rope was coiled n the tile where I had thrown it, a small stain of red dotting it. Yugi caught sight of us and smiled. " Sombra! You are all-" His voice stopped. He followed my arm down to my hip. I was bleeding badly, and it was obvious I was weak. " Well, it seems as if we still have THAT piece in our wagers. By the looks of it, if she doesnt get medical attention soon, she will be dead within a few short hours. " Pegasus mused.

Yugi stared at me before scoweling at Pegasus. He was about to say something, but I spoke first. " Yugi! Drop it! " He stared at me in shock. " He wants to lose focus, dont let him! Im fine and I WILL be fine! " Accoring to the lifepoint boards, Yugi was in losing, and by the look of the field, he was in trouble. I tried standing strait as best I could, and hide my struggling face. " It doesnt matter how many life points he has over you, You are the most clever duelist I have ever witnessed, and you fight for the ones you are about. He fights for the sadistic pleasure and darkness and you WILL overcome him! He might have created the game, but you gave it heart! " He stared shoked at me for a moment, before smiling. I knew that smile. Its that same smile he gave when I fought Bakura alone. He was determined, and he was NOT giving up. I always had faith, but now any doubt I had was gone.

He nodded. " Alright! " He yelled, more to Pegasus then he did to me. I tried paying attention as best I could, but the blood loss began taking its tool. Things became blurry, sounds became slurred, and I grew weaker with every passing second. I registed the words " Toon " and the fact Yugi was struggling. Through the blurred mess it became aparent that Yugi found some sort of loop hole. He looked differnt everytime I saw him. Childish at one point, mature and masculin at another. Pegaus, I am happy to say I could see most of the time. He was scared. Truely scared. Like Mokuba was in the cell, Like I was running through these hallways waiting to run into some guard again.

Finnaly, I heard " Lifepoints", " hit ", and " Zero." in the same sentance. I saw th monsters fade and heard the gang cheer. Yugi had won. For a minuet, time seemed frozon on the field. Suddenly, Pegasus turned, and darted off into another hallway. Yugi, Tristan, and Joey chased after him, while Tea and Ryou stayed behind to watch me. If I had been any stronger, I would have gone after him too, but now, I could barely keep my eyes open. I didnt know how long they had been gone, I began fading in and out of conciousness. Finnaly I couldnt take it anymore, and let my eyes slip shut. I heard a single whisper, from whom I believe was Tea. " Hold On. "

I wasnt so sure I was going to be making it back. The next time I was able to open my eyes, Joey was holding me up. I noticed the air was crirsp and clean, so I guessed we were outside. The breze was cool, and it felt nice on my skin after everything. Certinly and improvement from the atmosphere in the cell. " Sombra! " I heard a childs voice call out. Mokuba! Joey knelt so Mokuba and I could embrace each other. He was O.k.! It was Over! " You are o.k.! " I was able to see Mokubas small smile before fading away again. I heard arguing around me, and I heard Kaiba complain about blood in his helecopter. At least I knew he was o.k. too, but a helecopter? I had no idea where THAT came from, but never the less I was happy to hear there WAS one, a way off this horrible island.

I felt myself being lifted higher, and then my stomach gave a huge lurch. I was sure I would have thrown up, if there had actaully had anything in my stomach. I heard soft words beng spoken, but I could barely make them out. I felt a small hand in mine, and trie to sqeaze it, but my hand only twitched.

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