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Sigh. Its been a month after that shadow game. My arm is still bandaged, Iv been having nightmares, lost sleep, and I still cant get out of work. I sat alone in my fathers musty shop. The walls were lined with shelves filled with replicas of old artifacts from anywhere from egypt to america. The place always smelt of leather and aged wood, but it didnt bother me much. I sat with my head down on a glass case full of jewlery next to the register I felt a bit of pain here and there in my arm but it was no where near as bad as it had been when I first left the hospital thanks to the medication they gave me. Scince then, Yugi and the gang have taught me a few tricks in dueling, I havent lost in a while, well exept to Yugi and Yami. Their stratagies are amazing and they duel with heart. A ring awoke me from my daydreams. A tall man with the long white hair walked in. He was dressed in a fancy red suit and had two men in black with large sunglasses at his side, though he motioned them to go back out. I began to panic a little, those men looked like they ment business, and certinly didnt look like the type to go antique shopping. Why the hell did my dad leave me alone today! The man began wandering the shelves with a smile, picking an item up and examining it with child like curiosity every once and a while. His bangs covered half of his face but he never once pulled it back when he was looking around. I wondered if he had lost his eye somehow and was just covering up a scar. He didnt quite look like he was up to something, but there was still this sinister aura around him. I thought it might just be nerves, that shadow game catching up to me, but those other guys aroused more suspicion. He finnaly came to the shelf closest to the counter, not once glancing at me. " Oh, Whats this?" He bent over to get a better glimpse. " Its a game board from long ago, in ancient egypt." He didnt look like he was listening so much as to what I said, rather just to the sound of how I said it. Ugh, having a spanish accent is a pain sometimes. It dosent match my pale white skin at all. " What was the game?" His mood seemed to lighten and his eyes lit up as he gazed at it once more. It was a circuler stone with a carving of a coiled snake on it. The snake was cut into segments all the way around and small carvings of cows, gators, oxen and dogs rested on it. " Its called Menhen. See the snake? The word Menhen means 'coil'. Its sort of based off the snake God the egyptians worshiped. The object of the game is to be the first to reach the end of the snake." He didnt look like he was paying attention that time either. He pointed to a small checkered styled board. " What about this one? Looks like a chess board." I nodded slightly. Its called 'Seni' Its sort of like chess in a way.It's an abstract strategy game.Each player has a pharaoh and high priest pieces which move in familiar fashions to chess pieces. The object is to get a piece to the opposite end of the board. Its acctually kind of a fun game." My father taught me about many things in our store and we always played whatever old games we could find. I promised Yugi and his grandfather to teach them some. " Shall we go a round?" he asked almost childishly. Like a kid goating his parents into a board game. ".....What? " Play a round of Seni?" He wanted to play me in a game he dosent know how to play? " Im very good at games you see and I always love learning new ones! I have yet to be beaten at any I play though, but you sound like you know it well!"... What? This guy was starting to freak me out more and more, though I didnt want to be rude or lose a sale, m father would neve let it go, so I agreed. How long could one round take anyway? I knew what I was doing and he just found out about the game. Hell, its from ancient egypt! I doubt half the people in Domino know what the game is.  

He beat me in less than 10 minuets. I was so shocked I couldent even speak. No matter what I did, or how much planning I put into a stratigy, he would pick up on it and counter it imidietly. No matter what trick I pulled, or how hard I tried, I could barly make it to his half of the board much less all the way across! " Have you played this before?" I choked out, staring wide eyed at his piece on the edge of my board. He laughed slightly, " No but it was fun wasnt it? I must say I expected more." I was ticked off, not only at what he said, but because, yeah, I was expecting more too. I just got my butt kicked by a guy who didnt even know the name of the game until a few minuets ago! I wanted to ask him if he really didnt know how to play before today, that must be it, I was conned! The second I looked into his face, all I remember seeing was a white piece of paper and something round and shimmering. Then, everything was black. I couldent move, or breath, it was like I was paralyzed. What was going on! I dont know how long it was until I was able to see again, all I knew, was that I was no longer in my dads shop. I felt cold, and it was dark and smelt like mold. I instantly saw a cell door being shut and lucky me I wasnt on the good side of it. There was a man in a suite I reconized to be one of the onces who were waiting outside my shop, why hadnt I pressed the silent alarm button when I had the chance! Then I saw him. Smiling smugly with gloating eyes in the damn red suite of his. " Whats going on why are you doing this!" I yelled. I didnt dare approch the bars though. " All in good time little Sombra." great he got my name off my nametag. " Who the hell are you anyway? \u00bfC\u00f3mo te llamas hijo de-!" " Now now little one no need to throw a fit!" He mocked. There it was again. Little one, I was going to kill him. " Settle down, truth be told I'm not after you, you are just bait nothing more, but as soon as I get my prize you'll just be a maid." He taunted. Prize? what the heck was this @#$% talking about! And to heck im gonna be his maid! How dare he use me as- wait what? Bait? for who? " Bait?" I questioned. " Yes, for that little Yugi boy, you two seemed to have grown into quite the pair, and your knowlage of the ancint times makes you a valuble tool for that Pharoah of his" Yugi! " You leave Yugi out of this! this is between you and me now puta!" " Watch it girl! your in my kingdom now!" With that he turned and left. I wasnt chained, but with one good arm, escaping would still prove a difficult task. I looked around. nothing but stone walls and iron bars lit dimly by candles. Where was I? I walked to the bars and looked out. It was like I was in a laberinth. " HOLA!" I yelled. My echo seemed to go on forever. Great. Even if I do get out I wont know which way to go to leave this place. Where was I? What did this mad man want with Yugi and the Pharoah? I remembered that light and that weird golden ball I saw before I blacked out. What was that?  

My arm worsened and I didnt have any of the pain pills the hospital gave me. I stayed down there for about four days. twice a day a man in a suite and curly hair brought me a bucket of some brown grule to eat. I always knew he was coming because of the echos of his shoes. This time it was different though. Insted of the steady thudding of two legs I heard many, and muffled crys from someone. I ran to the bars to try and see out. A huge mad was carying a small black haired boy like a teddy bear with one arm. His mouth was being covered to keep him quiet. The poor kid was struggling for his life. The man in the suite was with them too. " Back away from the door girl!" He yelled " Iv had enought trouble from this brat today ad I dont need any from you!" I was about to say something when the big man punched me through the bars in my bandaged arm so hard I actually had to step back to avoid falling. Pain shot through me like the chains were re-linking in my arm. I fell to my knees with a yell. Tears welded in my eyes. I tried to hide them trickling down my cheek as I heard them laugh and the door clanking open. The boy was thrown against the wall and chained. I looked at the door. The man in the suite had his back to me. The door was wide open, but I was in so much pain I couldent stand let alone run out. There was still the problem of getting lost in these hallways even if I did. Freedom was so close yet so far. I was just able to stand when they slammed the door shut again. " You just wait until my brother gets here!" The little boy was yelling, but I could hear his voice crakle with tears. The men said something and began to laugh, but I couldent make it out. I heard the clincking of metal and a tap on my right arm. Memories of the rings flashed though my head and I flinched in fear at the contact. I whipped around to see the boy they brought in. glistening spheres peeked out from the corners of his eyes, though he wasnt crying. " Are you o.k?" he spoke. They just brought this kidd in kicking and screaming an he was asking me is I was o.k.. Wow I must look pathetic right now. I nodded and stood. " Yeah that guys just a jerk."I rubbed my arm through the gauze. I was shocked when I felt something wet. He actually re-opened the wounds. Great. I turned the blooded side away from him. I didnt want to scare him any more then he problalby was right now. " Did they do that to you." I shook my head no. are YOU o.k? That idiot was tossing you around like a rag doll." I knelt down to his level and examined his face. He wasnt scratched or anything. " Im fine. Who are you anyway?" I managed a weak smile. "Im Banks Sombra." He looked puzzled. Crap there goes the spanish first name white skin and last name confusion look again. Being unusual sucks sometimes. He seemed to shake it off. " Im Kaiba Mokuba."

Let the games begin - Yu-Gi-Oh fanfictionΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα