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It's not the future that you are afraid of. It's repeating the past that makes you anxious.

Fears are nothing more than a state of mind. -Napoleon Hill


"That's simple, you masturbated."


Jin asked in confusion while hearing his therapist's words. After Jin touching himself for the first time, he was feeling weird. He didn't know what he should do. But he knew whom he should share this with.

First person who came to his mind was his therapist. He felt shy to talk this with his brother, so he decided to speak with Jungkook. And that's how Jin ended up in Jungkook's office in the early morning.

After Jungkook told him to leave the office, he didn't dare to come here for almost three months. He was not his own self after he visited the club. Jin tried to make himself busy with work, and in morning he was busy in searching about the problem he had.

He didn't know why, but he thought Jungkook was not a bad guy. His heart poked him saying to trust his therapist.

"Yes. I am happy that you tried to touch yourself, Jin. It's really a good sign that you are trying to come out of your fear." Jin felt shy by the sudden praise coming from Jungkook's lips.

"T-Thank you." Jin blushed and was starting to fidget his fingers nervously. Jungkook was genuinely happy for Jin by seeing his friend's brother improving in his session.

"Thank you for telling me, Jin." Jungkook smiled happily while seeing his loved one back here in the office. Like he promised, he didn't disturb his Jin. His friend Namjoon was messaging him about Jin not having nightmares anymore.

He felt relieved after knowing that Jin was getting better. Though it was not a complete cure, he was happy with the little progression.

Jin on the other side was having dilemma whether he should say or not. He hid the thing about imagining Jungkook doing him. He felt embarrassed to talk about his desire. But deep inside his heart, he kind of started to like Jungkook. He was willing to trust the person who was sitting infront of him.

"Uh, h-hyung?" Jin called Jungkook who was typing something on his phone. He looked up when he heard the honey filled voice and waited for his client to speak further.

"I-I kind of feeling shy to say this. B-But I am trusting you that you won't avoid me or judge me." Jungkook smiled while seeing the innocent lamb sitting infront of him who was fidgeting his fingers nervously.

After gaining a sweet nod from Jungkook, Jin breathed out a sigh before confessing his weird feelings.

"I-I touched myself while t-thinking about you. After your sessions, I-I kind of started to feel something towards men.

Especially towards you. I-I stare at my boss and other colleagues but I don't feel like that when I stare at you.

I-I think I like you. Do you like me?"

Jin confessed with closed eyes and he could feel sweat forming on his forehead. He was happy that he had opened up his feelings for him. But he was also afraid that the other wouldn't accept him.

Who would accept a person who had been raped by strangers?

Most people would want their partner to be pure and mostly virgin. And that was bugging Jin's mind and he didn't know if he could be okay with the rejection.

Jin felt his eyes forming tears when he heard nothing. No voice, no reply. His body was shaking badly, and his lips started to tremble in fear by the rejection. He bit his lips to control the cry that was trying to escape from his mouth.

Before he could open his eyes he was engulfed into a big hug. Jin's eyes widened by the sudden closeness and he saw his therapist hugging him.

"N-No, don't touch me. P-Please." Jin wanted to scream and push the man infront of him. He started to get panic, and his breathing started to raise.

Jungkook found Jin's body shaking in fear, and soon he released his hug. He didn't dare to lay a finger on Jin's body, and soothed sweet words to Jin who was having a panic attack.

Jin's mind was playing with memories of the men who touched him and abused him. He could see his younger self getting beaten for not allowing to touch them. Jin shook his head and tried to erase those memories but it was haunting him with every touch.

He took almost three years to speak with his father and brother. His brother was the only person whom he allowed to touch. But now feeling another man's touch reminded him of the abuser.

"Shhh, Jin baby. I-It's just me. Jungkook. Not anyone. Open your eyes and see." Jungkook tried so hard not to cry by seeing his loved one being in pain. Jin fluttered his eyes open and he could see a blur figure of someone whom had never hurt him.

His fingers reached for Jungkook's shirt and clutched the buttons tightly.

"J-Jungkook hyung."

S.Therapist | Jinkook✔️Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu