Chp.12 Keicho Nijimura: Bad Company

Start from the beginning

(YN): Your joking...

Keicho: As for all I know Josie, Your Crazy Diamond's range is less than one meter, (YN)'s on the other hand...I don't know how long it can reach from its user...but your seem more powerful! So if that shimp's stand's ability is able to compensate for yours, you might be able to escape alive!

Josie:'s be great if it's a stand that can kick your ass.

(YN): Okay Koichi, getting out your stand is very easy.

Josie: Yeah, you just need to feel like you want to protect yourself, or you want to kick his ass, or you can do both. The rest is just instinct.

(YN): A Stand that's unique to your mentality should come out.

Koichi: W-Wait! Hold on a sec! I don't understand the two of you at all where this is going!

Keicho: Don't understand do you? Then I guess we'll just have to put you in a situation that'll make it appear! Do it, Green Beret!

Josie: Koichi!

(YN): On your hand!

Koichi notices a small toy soldier appear in his left hand as the toy soldier started stabbing Koichi's finger..


With a high pitched scream, Suddenly, Koichi's whole body was filled with green aura, and knowing that Koichi has finally summoned his stand...which egg?

Keicho: So, that's his stand.

(YN): ...I don't know what to say, the fact that Koichi's stand is nothing but an egg, or the fact that he can scream like a little girl.

Josie: Koichi you did it!

Koichi: Th-That my stand?!

(YN): So now what, his stand is gonna lay there or what?? We wanna know what that egg's abilities can do.

Koichi: I-I'm sorry, but this is all I got!

Suddenly, the egg started to hatch a little...

(YN): It's hatching!

Josie: Whcih means his stand is inside the egg-

Keicho: I've seen enough! Thats all I need to know! All units, battle positions!

Josie: Shit! Koichi, withdraw your stand, if it gets hurt, you'll end up getting hurt too!

(YN): Not only that, if it attacks it, it'll kill you too!

Koichi: H-How can I withdraw it?!?

Keicho: Commence Attack!

(YN): Sorry Koichi!

(YN) summons Cinder as Cinder then gives a kick towards Koichi's egg stand, kicking it away, and also Koichi flying away with it as well...Keicho's Worst Company started ahooting towards (YN) and Josie as the two summoned there stands to fight back and punching back the bullets...

Koichi: J-Josie! (YN)!

Keicho Mind: *Good. Now Koichi sand (YN) and Josie are separated. The crack in the egg...the shrimp hasn't realized it yet, but it might be something overwhelming...the only thing that's going to die right now is Josie and (YN)...

Cinder and Crazy Diamond continue punching back the bullets as the two caused a lot of destruction around the room...

(YN): Oi Keicho! If you're gonna use an attack that's flashy enough to destroy this house...

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