the trigger

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Jimin's eyes are as huge as two plates, the fast breaths that flew out of his body came to a stop, his heart skips a beat and his legs feel on the brink of giving out. Jungkook stood there with a pistol in his hand, he pointed the lethal weapon at Jimin's terrified face.

Jungkook's chuckle sends a shiver down his spine, he puts the gun in his pocket and claps his hands slowly. "Congratulations park jimin you made it through the front gate.. but did you really expect to get anywhere further then that, hmm?" Jungkook seemed amused at the utmost. Although Jimin could sense the raging fire that was trying to be hidden deep inside of him, a dangerous flame that could end him if it manages to spill out. 

Jimin just breathes in and out, looking at the dirt while tears gleam in his eyes. The trees rustle around them both making the situation tranquil but deadly. The owls in the glistening night hoot while flying around the dark star-filled night. Both of their faces shine in the moonlight.

But no, jimin is not going to give up, not yet at least.

Jimin sniffs awkwardly while kicking the dirt and leaves at his feet. Jungkook's irritation starts to show.

Jungkook huffs and walks up to jimin grabbing his chin and looking into his raging eyes. "I'm the one who should be mad right now, jimin. Tell me, why are you mad?" Jungkook's grips tighten.

"fuck. you." Jimin spits out through gritted teeth and without a second though, he knees jungkook in the crotch. Jungkook hisses and leans hunches up and Jimin takes this as an opportunity to run.

He has no idea where he's running to be honest, he feels like he's in a loop, some sort of spiral that he longs to be free from. All he can hear is the heavy steps of his feet hitting the ground and the branches that he has to swat away due to how long they were. That is, including Jungkook's heavy steps as well. Both males run as if their lives depended on it, their breaths getting rapidly heavy as the noises from their steps only seem to fasten up.

Jimin can't see anything, where to run? he doesn't know, there's no gate or street or anything, it's just all forest. Jungkook's pace only slows down and Jimin furrows his eyebrows but pays no attention to it, he continues running until he sees blinking lights showing them self through the thick branches, he smiles.


Maybe a couple lived there? maybe he could call the cops and finally be fee, maybe after he goes back he could start a his very own cafe? or become an artist, or a dancer or a-

Jimin's steps slows down as the house comes in more view he brushes the remaining branches and looks up at the same mansion he was trying to escape from.

He had been running in a circle?

Jimin's eyes light up in terror when he's pulled back from a harsh grasp and thrown over a shoulder.

"Nice try." Jungkook growls out while walking to the entrance of the mansion and enters it.

"NO NO PUT ME DOWN" Jimin screams out as warm tears spill out of his eyes, he squirms his legs and sobs out protests.

Jungkook ignores and continues walking down the hallways.

The people in the house look at the couple in fear and, they murmur and watch as jungkook throws a sobbing jimin into the persecution room. They gasp, worrying for the silver haired boy.

Jimin sobs as he gets thrown harshly on the floor, he watches as a raging jungkook slams the metal door shut and turns on the blinding white light

"F-FUCK YOU" Jimin shouts while backing away on his hands and knees and sits in the corner of the room, getting as far away from jungkook as possible.

"NO JIMIN FUCK YOU, I SHOULD BE THE ONE PISSED OFF RIGHT NOW" Jungkook slams his fist on the metal door causing jimin to flinch as more tears rush down his face.

"YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT IT'S LIKE" Jimin slams his own fists against the floor, his whole body shaking in fear and frustration. "I HAVE BEEN TRAPPED HERE TO BE YOUR LITTLE G-GAME"


Jimin shakes his head as more sobs left his mouth, "N-no that's not t-true, IT'S NOT TRUE"

Jungkook chuckles while moving a few steps closer. "Oh it is Jimin, you should just end it already don't you think? your mother didn't love you, your father didn't love you.. i don't love you. You've been swimming in the hole of misery your whole life.. your not happy, and you never will be happy, your a fucking waste of time and space, shoot a bullet through your head and everyone will be happy, your ugly and a burden, NOBODY WANTS YOU."

Jimin screams loudly while slamming his fists repeatedly on the ground causing them to bleed and the bones to merely break. He lets all the words to sink through his head, right to his heart. He struggles through his breaths as week sobs rip out of his chest, he feels his heart shatter right against his chest, the pain is ripping him in half. The black hole of memories and pain swoop up and engulf his heart like a virus, squeezing the organ, letting his mind cry through the darkness that swarms around it. He hates this, he hates jungkook, he hates himself, he hates everything. HE HATES LIVING. Why would someone live only to be given this extreme quantity of pain, what was the point? He lets the dark thoughts choke him, he's no good. He's no good to anyone. The darkness swoops around him, swallowing him whole, wanting him to turn into nothing but a puppet with no emotions or anything. Once that first tear broke free, the rest followed in an unbroken stream. Jimin stays leaned up against the wall, violently crying and screaming. They say sadness is behind anger, yet anger never comes unless in direct self defense, and so perhaps he can credit this natural passivity with my willingness to cry and feel pain, to let the sorrow teach him more about his true nature and how fragile and weak he truly is. 

Jungkook smirks upon seeing Jimin's reaction, he walks over to jimin and ties his hands to the chains hanging up on the wall.

"I hope the pain fucking destroys you" Jungkook says to the crying boy, and without another word he leaves jimin drowning in his inner demons.


... Hi

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