The way of the demon

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Hey guys! I made a new jikook demon ff, here it is, i hope you read :(

Where Jungkook and his team of demons travel village to village killing all humans, taking control over everything

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Where Jungkook and his team of demons travel village to village killing all humans, taking control over everything. Little did Jungkook know, one did indeed survive.Jimin watched the whole scene unfold, watched how his family and friends all died in a disastrous way, watched how his village was over run by demons and hideous monsters that we're set to be lurking in the dark. Watched how he was supposed to be dead as well but somehow he managed to survive. The only survivor was indeed scared of..The way of the demon.


The first chapter is posted, if you don't like blood and stuff i recommend to not read lol, but if your okay with it then watch how jimin tries to survive demon jungkook.The next chapter of nasty business will be posted soon!

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