Rescuing x Killua

Start from the beginning

I spread them all out evenly but then Hisoka started bringing one closer to mine. Gon did the same thing on the opposite side.

"I spread them out for a reason why are you guys bring them closer to me what about Leorio and Kurapika?!" I snapped while pointing at Leorio and Kurapika who were moving their futons to eachothers.

"I spread them out for a reason why are you guys bring them closer to me what about Leorio and Kurapika?!" I snapped while pointing at Leorio and Kurapika who were moving their futons to eachothers

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Y/N's reaction ^^

"Darling I get quite cold at night so I was wondering if you wanted to sleep with me~" Hisoka smirked.

"NO! They are other people here! Y/N-san don't sleep with him he's gonna do some pervy things! That's why I'm moving to you so I can make sure that he doesn't anything!" Gon crossed his arms ans scooted his futon closer to mines.

Leorio and Kurapika were in another corner with their futons practically on top of eachothers.

"Hisoka we're not doing anything but I'll sleep with you and Gon don't worry it's okay." I sighed and started getting into my futon to fall asleep. I felt Hisoka start to spoon me and Gon laid down on the opposite side glaring at Hisoka the whole time.

*time skip to the morning*

The night was pretty comfortable actually. Everyone eventually fell asleep and Leorio was the first person to wake up. Him and Kurapika made breakfast for all of us downstairs and we ate and then started out way hiking up to the estate.

"Do you guys see a little girl too or that's just me?" Leorio pointed out and we all squinted our eyes and as we got closer we saw this girl around Gon and Killua's age holding a stick.

We all stopped and Hisoka stepped a few steps towards her and she looked up at him.

"Mm... 92? Oh that's a surprise~" Hisoka had a slight moan in his voice and I tugged his arm back.

"Idiot, you can't be going around moaning every time you see a worthy opponent!" I scolded Hisoka and then walked up to the girl.

"Hello uh, we're here to see Killua. Can you let us go see him please?" I asked the girl who showed no emotions.

"I can not let you pass onto the Zoldyck property." The girl stated holding her ground.

"WHAT? BUT MY FRIEND KILLUA IS THERE!" Gon yelled and then tried to run past her but she hit him with her stick and he went flying back.

"Gon!" I yelled out, I threw myself onto the ground to catch him before he could hit the dirt.

"I don't want to use force but if you try something like that again I will." The girl drew a line on the dirt and stated that if we crossed that line she would push us back.

Gon kept trying to pass but the girl wouldn't let him. Leorio Kurapika and Hisoka just watched. Everytime Gon would get pushed back I would catch him before he hit the ground... it was ongoing for about 2 hours and the sun was about to start setting.

"Ugh! Just give up already I'm not letting you pass!" The girl stated. Gon was badly bruised up, he had a swollen eye, lips and needed to rest.

Hisoka, Kurapika and Leorio were standing in the back watching. Me or Hisoka could've taken down the girl in a matter of minutes but she's just trying to protect the estate....

"The reason we're here is to see Killua! Killua is our friend and Y/N's brother so why won't you let us pass?!" Gon smashed the brick wall that was next to her.

"You're different than Mike... You may be trying to cover up your feeling but when Gon mentioned Killua's name your eyes softened for a bit." I tried to comfort-talk the girl.

She put her baton down and started sniffling.

"Please... Help Master Killu-"

A loud bang was heard and we saw an explosion like thing hit the side of the girl's head. All of our faces were shocked including Hisoka.

"Honestly... What was that servant blabbering about? She made it sound like we were being mean to Killua!" She pouted. She had a younger girl next to her as well.

We rushed over to the girl to check on her.

"She's still breathing she just got hit so hard she passed out..." Leorio analyzed and told us. We all took a breath and looked at the woman whose face was wrapped in bandages.

"Gon, Leorio, Kurapika, Hisoka and... Y/N. Zebro told me we had a group of people that were able to get in the gate but I never suspected that you guys would be this determined to see my little boy Killua." The woman started fanning herself with the paper fan she had in her hand.

"Let me see my brother... You bitch..." I glared at Killua's mom while holding Gon on my back.

The woman and little girl on her side gasped.


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