The Warriors of Kyoshi

Start from the beginning

Katara: "What does me being a girl have to do with sewing?"

Sokka: "Simple. Girls are better at fixing pants than guys, and guys are better at hunting, fighting and stuff like that. It's just the natural order of things."

Y/n: "Sokka, I don't want to be rude, now. But you're not good at any of the things you mentioned. Now please stop talking before she throws your clothes out to sea and mines by "accident"."

Katara: "Yeah! All done with your pants! And looks what a great job I did!"

She shows Sokka his pants and throws them at him. He picked it up, and much to anyone's dismay, he wasn't wearing anything. Thankfully his shirt covered all the important areas so no one had to be disgusted at the family's jewels.

Sokka: "I can't wear these! Katara, please!"

Aang: "Don't worry Sokka, where we're going, you won't need any pants."

Y/n: "Where are we going, exactly?"

He shyly spoke from the saddle as his pants were not done either like Sokka's.

Appa growled and went flying a bit faster.

After a few long minutes of flying, Appa and the gang landed on an island, they all got off and Sokka spoke up.

Sokka: "Aang, we made a pit stop yesterday, wouldn't it be better if we got more airtime?"

Katara: "Yeah, if we continue this, we won't get to the North Pole until spring."

Aang: "Well we had to stop because Appa's tired. Right, buddy?"

He nudges Appa with his shoulder and received no response.

Aang: "I said aren't you tired buddy?"

Appa releases a loud yawn.

Sokka: "Yeah, that was real convincing. Still, tough to argue with a 10-ton magical flying monster."

Aang gasps and points at the sea with excitement.

Aang: "Look!"

He spots a gigantic koi fish splashing out of the ocean.

Y/n: "Wow, that's huge."

Katara, Sokka, and Y/n looks at the huge fish leaping out of the sea flabbergasted.

Aang: "That's why we're here— the elephant koi, and I'm going to ride it."

Aang starts to take off his shirt and pants.

Aang: "Katara, you've got to watch me."

Aang dives head first to the water and instantly springs upward due to how cold it was.

Sokka scratches his head confused and Katara stares in amazement. Y/n grabs his journal from his bag and starts to write down.

"Documentation #5,768: We found huge fish in an island somewhere. I have nothing for comparison, but it's big...                  Like, really, really big."

Y/n closes his journal and places it back inside of his bag as he stares in absolute amazement.

As Aang continues to ride the humongous fish, more started to jump out of the water to join in on the fun.

Katara "Wows" in excitement as Aang holds on the sail of the giant sea dweller as it goes down the water and back up again.

Katara: "He looks pretty good out there."

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