Party time bitches

Start from the beginning

We left around noon. I promised Ethan, Thomas, and Theo that I'd visit soon. After we left the apartment we headed back to the cabin and packed up our shit. Then, we left. Probably one of the least eventful days in a while. And that's saying something.
I climb off Button and lead her into the stable. "Good kitty." I whisper, patting her on the head. The other group isn't back yet. And they probably won't be for a while, considering Hade's parents live much farther than Ethan does from the base. I grab my phone and text Natalie. "Hope you're doing ok. We had to come back early. L.O. Issues." I send the message. Nat responds almost immediately. Just a question Mark. "I kicked Eligio Timor in the balls." I text back. I walk out of the stables, my bag slung over my shoulder. Hera is talking to Lane. She whirls around and glares at me. "Oh fuck..." I squeak. "Delilah J. Murphy!" Hera shouts. "Well would you look at the time? I gotta go-" "what did I say about being reckless?" Hera asks, grabbing my arm to keep me from bolting. I groan. "Not to be. But there was a perfect opening. I had to take it." "You didn't have to do anything." She snaps. "It was pretty goddamn funny, though..." I mumble under my breath. Hera sighs, annoyed with my fuckery. "Next time, leave. It. Alone." She grumbles. "Yes ma'am." I feel my phone buzz in my back pocket. "That would be Nat. If you'll excuse me for a sec..."
I answer the phone and teleport back to my room. "WHAT THE HECK WERE YOU THINKING?!?!" Nat yells. I wince. Probably shouldn't have had the phone up to my ear. "Ok one, it's fine. I'm back at base. Two, it was fuckin awesome." I hear Nat sigh. Another person who is absolutely done with my bullshit. "Just tell me one thing... did he double over?" "Like a freaking folding chair." I hear Nat snicker. "But seriously, that was really stupid." "I know. Hera informed me of that. Also, it's really weird with you and the other four not being here." I sigh. "Yeah. We should be back by the 28th though." Nat says quietly. I nod. "See you then?" I ask. "Yeah. See you then."

Those three days between when we got back and the 28th sucked. It was quiet without Nat talking. Or Caleb trying not to be a dick. Or Mateo stumbling over himself when talking to Karson. Or Hade blowing something up. But finally, they came back. And Hera barley let them put their stuff down before calling us all the caves.
"Ok children, we recently opened a once sealed cavern down here. We believe we found Star Being artifacts but without all of you, we couldn't be sure. So... follow me." Hera says, waving us into the Cave. I squirm uneasily. Nat glances over at me and smiles. "It'll be ok. I don't think we're going near the crystals again." She whispers. I nod and we step into the caves.
Hera leads us through the winding caverns and then she turns sharply. We follow into an open area, light streaming through a glass apron near the ceiling. "Has that always been there?" Hade asks. Hera nods. "Yes... it has." Hera opens her arms in a wide gesture. There's ten glass cases behind her. And inside? Armor. Every single suit looks different. "I... I don't know how to open these." Hera admits. There's a little colored slot near the bottom of each case. "Maybe..." I walk over to the case with the green slot. I light a flame inside the slot. The glass case opens. "That works." The other Star beings race forward, placing little flames into their slots. The cases open. "How do we put these on?" Caleb asks. "They're metal, aren't they?" Hera asks. "Oh yeah." I focus on the armor. Every curve. Every crease. I feel the chest plate snap on first. Then the back of it. Then metal wraps around my thighs. Lastly, gauntlets around my forearms. I open my eyes, allowing the armor to settle onto my body. It's heavy as hell. I glance at the other Star Beings and notice a bit of a pattern.
Everyone with longer range weapons, Lane, Hade, and Damien, have less armor all together. They only really have chest plates and pads on their elbows and knees. Makes sense. They're not in the heat of battle, so they don't have to worry as much.
The swordspeople, Nat, Caleb, and Maxine, have more armor on their upper body and less on their legs. Probably for mobility, I'm guessing.
Mateo and I have more armor on our lower body than on our upper body. Considering our weapons, or at least the ones we main, require us to swing and twist, it makes sense. Then there's Karson and Gabriel.
All they have are chest plates and knee pads. That's it. But then again, they're both the most mobile when using they're weapons. Karson usually jumps everywhere while swinging his whip, and Gabriel almost never stops moving on the battlefield. Usually because if he does his gauntlets do.
The armor is based on what parts of us are the most mobile during battle. Mateo and I swing our weapons around, but we keep our feet planted unless going for a target. Unless we get into hand to hand combat, which is something that seems to happen all too often. Nat, Maxine, and Caleb, on the other hand, run and jump and dodge. Lower body armor would only slow them down. Yes, they do move they're arms but armor is needed up there. They can fight with an injured leg but not with an injured arm. Lane, Hade, and Damien tend to stay back from the fight and fire off from places where other people can't reach them. They don't need to worry about hand to hand combat as much, which means less armor. And, as I already explained, Karson and Gabriel move around a ton. A lot of armor would make that harder. Hera clears her throat. We snap back to attention.
"For the next few weeks, you will train with this armor to get used to the feel of it while in combat. Oh! I nearly forgot." Hera says, smacking her forehead. "I wanted you back here by the first because we are planning to introduce all of you to the world at the start of the year. We will be throwing a grand party. I've already contacted a tailor to start preparing outfits. It will be held at a ballroom in a nearby city, called Loridelah. It's one of the biggest cities in the world. There is a risk, of course, of the L.O. Showing up. But I believe you can handle it. I've seen how some of you can fight." Hera smiles at all of us. Is that... pride is her eyes? Holy shit it is. "We won't let you down Hera." Lane says confidently. "I know. But please... be careful."

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