"I think so" I said quietly, my elbows resting on the toilet and my head in my hands as I took in a shaky breath my eyes closed to ease the movement of the room around me.

"Can you stand up baby?" he asked me stepping away from me as I tried to stand myself up, pushing my hands against the toilet as I slowly stood myself up, my head throbbing and spinning the very instant I did so. I felt myself start to stumble, Austin's arm coming around me holding me up.

"Okay, I got ya Charlie" he said as he walked me over towards the sink. "Can you stand here for a second? Here" he said taking both of my hands and leaning them on the sink. "I'll be right back okay" he said as he quickly ran out of the room coming back with my toothbrush, toothpaste and mouthwash. I looked over at him as he got it ready for me handing it to me.

"Cheese" I smiled with squinted eyes.

"Charlie, I'll sit and watch you throw up all day but I will not brush your teeth" he laughed.

"Please" I pouted at him. He rolled his eyes muttering out a defeated fine as he started brushing my teeth, making comments the entire time that this was the strangest thing he has ever done for anyone his whole entire life. We finished brushing my teeth, Austin gathering up all of my things and setting them on the side as he looked down at me with a smirk on my face. "Can I have another kiss now?" I asked pouting my lips.

I heard him laugh as he put his arms around me to hold me up as he meshed his lips with mine pulling away with a soft suction sound. I smiled up at him purely amazed that he was still standing in front of me, stating my amazement several more times as he helped me walk towards the bed. He kept his arm around me as he pulled the plush covers down on the bed before helping me climb in, grabbing my legs and putting them under the covers before pulling them up to my chest.

"Don't leave me please" I said to him reaching out and grabbing his hand fearing that he was going to walk out of the room and leave me alone.

"Charlie, I'm going to be right next to you" he laughed looking down at me, giving my hand a small shake.

"No" I said shaking my head back and forth.

"No? Would you rather I slept on the couch?" he asked with a smirk.

"No Austin, I don't want you right next to me. I want you right here" I said pointing towards my heart. "Why don't you want to be there?" I asked looking up at him with hooded eyes.

I watched as he lifted his shirt over his head and slid out of his jeans, leaving them in a pile on the floor as he climbed over my body sliding into the covers next to me. He wrapped his arm around me putting a small kiss on my lips before pressing them softly against the steady thump of my heart.

"It took me a while to realize it Charlie, but I want nothing more than to fill every space of your heart" he said looking at me, his eyes twinkling.

"Do you mean it?" I asked him, feeling my breath catch in my throat as my eyes shot over to his.

He smiled down at me his fingers running along my exposed collarbone from my tank top as he nodded his head. "More than I've ever meant anything in my life. I wouldn't be here if I didn't" he laughed.

I took a deep breath as I mustered up every bit of drunk courage that was still hanging around inside of me for the words to fall off my lips. "I love you Austin" My eyes roamed against his as my heart started to beat quickly hoping that those words would fall off of his lips.

"I love you too Charlie" he smiled leaning down to press his lips against mine. I don't know if it was still the drunk spins or if the world was spinning because he finally said those words to me that I have been waiting so long to hear. I couldn't help it as tears started rolling down my cheeks as I have felt the happiest I have ever felt before. He pulled away from me placing his lips against the salty tears that were streaking my cheeks before looking at me.

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