Chapter 31 - The Aftermath

Start from the beginning

"Bloody hell" I muttered under my breath.

Instincts took over, I stormed out and hurried down to the common room. The Inquistorial Squad sprawled proudly across both sofas, basking in their victory. Of course, Draco was sat in the middle, with Pansy Parkinson swooning by his side, as he recounted the story of how they found the Room of Requirements and broke in.

"Proud of yourself, Malfoy?" I shouted, halting beside one of the plush, green sofas. I never called him 'Malfoy', it felt so impersonal and others treated it like a swear word. As though it were an insult they'd hurl at him, but in the moment, it spilled out of my mouth so naturally.

"Excuse me?" Draco stammered. He looked around at his friends and round of 'ooo's echoed. His face twisted into a sickly sneer and prepared himself for my rebuttal.

"Leave it Draco, don't waste your time on this blood traitor" Pansy crooned, her eyes flicking between me and him. We both ignored her warning, neither of us even turning to look in her direction.

"Got your revenge, hmm? Pathetic" I spat. I felt myself losing a grip on my emotions and I was certainly embarrassing myself but that fear was long gone.

"Watch your mouth with me, Reading" Draco snarled, getting to his feet. He sauntered forward and towered over me, purposely attempting to make me squirm, but I squared up to him further.

"Where are they?" I asked. He looked coldly down at me, but his smirk stayed etched into his pale face.

"Oh what, Dumbledore's Army?"

"Dumbledore's what?" I asked, in a hushed tone.

"Seems there's some things your filthy Weasley has been keeping from you" he laughed and bellowing laughter broke out amongst his friends too.

Heat blazed under my skin, I knew I'd turned bright red, unsure whether it was from embarrassment or rage.

"Where are they?" I repeated.

"Great Hall, they've got a mass detention but I reckon they deserve a bit more than that" Draco said, another evil chuckle followed his words.

My eyes rolled carelessly, and turned away from them. I was able to get as far as the exit to the common room, until the sound of his brogues tapping against the cold floor emitted. He'd followed me and as always, I had no patience for it.

"Where are you manners, Celeste? How dare you walk away from me when I'm talking to you" Draco growled, moving expertly to block my path.

"Draco, I don't have time for this" I muttered, making a feeble attempt to push past him.

"So it's Draco now is it?" he said, narrowing his eyes menacingly at me, leaning down to bring his face dangerously close to mine, "Call me whatever you like, as long as you say it in that intoxicating way you did when you were bent over Trelwaney's desk"

My eyes grew wide with his words and I cursed the tension that threatened to rise between my legs. Pull yourself together Celeste, I thought to myself.

"You make me sick" I muttered, lifting my head defiantly away from him.

"From what I remember, I can make you feel a lot of things. That's exactly what I told your little mate"

"What are you talking about?" I seethed.

Threateningly, I brought myself to press against his body. As though automatic, his eyes ran up and down me, his smirk setting in deeper than before. I realised that he must have liked the feeling and eased my pressure on him.

"On the pitch, that's exactly what I told him. How you screamed my name, what a little slut you were for me that night" Draco explained, "The brute just couldn't control his temper, but that's what you get for letting ruffians into Hogwarts I suppose"

Traitor : Fred Weasley, Draco Malfoy & OC FanficWhere stories live. Discover now