Eat pizza and go public -11

Start from the beginning

"When is your birthday Jae?"
"February 8th yours?"
"March 5th"
"So I'm a year and a month older than you" he says
"That's not that much" I say.
"Shh kid, I'm an adult" he says.
"Shut up" and we start laughing again.

"Why don't you want to let me know what you and Travis are planning?" He asks looking me in the eyes.
"I want it to be a surprise, and I'm still not sure if anything is happening, but I promise you'll be the first to know" I tell him with a soft smile.
"Why don't you want me to hear to pray? I've heard all of your other songs" I ask.

"Pray is different, I think it might have kind of an effect on you, I want you to hear, I really do, your opinion is the most important in this one, but first it has to be perfect, and then you have to promise me you won't get mad" he says. I'm confused.

"Why would I get mad?" I ask.
"Something you said inspired me" he says looking down.
"Aww jaden, this makes me actually happy, your music is so good and knowing I inspired a bit of it is such an honor" I say with a tear rolling down my cheek.

"I really care a lot about you Soso" he says hugging me. My head sprints in his direction and I look at him with wide eyes.
"Did I say something wrong?" He asks.
"I-it's just that my father was the only one calling me "Soso", I haven't heard that name since, you know, he died, no one ever called me Soso, it was like something between us" I say thinking back to some memories with my dad.

"Oh Sophie I'm sorry, I didn't want to, I thought it was cute. But I'm not gonna call you like that again" he says with a sad look in his eyes.
"No, please do, I like it" I say looking up at him with a smile and he hugs me.

"I think we hugged more in this two days then since we met" I say giggling.
"Not complaining" jaden says.
"Me either, come on let's go, I have to give the form to the pizza" I say and we go downstairs to see everyone watching a movie.

Me and Jaden go to the kitchen, I grab the dough and I start working on it. Jaden just looks at me.
"You know, I don't know why, but something about this is hot" he says and I blush.
"Shut up jaden, stop flirting with me" I say and I laughs a bit.

When I finding I call Ant, Kio and Quin and they finish setting the toppings under my watch.
I put the pizza in the oven and set a timer.

"It's time for the pizza" I scream while I get the pizza out and bring it to the table.
"So this is Italian pizza, of course is not like the one you eat at the restaurant but I tried my best" I say.
I sit next to jaden and Bryce while I have mads and Ness in front of me. I see jaden is a bit tense so I grab his a hand and squeeze it in sign of reassurance and he eases up a bit.

"Oh my God this is fucking amazing" says bryce moaning.
"Yes" Josh agrees.
"Soso here is really miss perfect italian uh?" Jaden says and I smile at him.

"Soso uh?" Bryce smirks.
"You call her little Italy, I needed a nickname too" jaden justifies him self.
"Yeah sure" Nessa says.

"The pizza was amazing Sophie" Noah says helping me get all the plates in the kitchen.
"Thanks noah!"

"Hey Josh, am I sleeping here again tonight?" I ask him.
"It's still a weekend so if you want yes, doesn't care if Megan is not here, you are still part of the family"
"Aww love you Joshy"

"Guys there is something I wanna tell you about" I say to all the boys sitting on the couches.
Everyone looks at me waiting for me to keep talking.
"Before I was talking with Jaden and I took a decision, I think I wanna go public. But I don't just want to pop in one of your tiktoks because then people would assume things and we all know how it ends. So maybe we should plan it, if it's a problem for you tho I'll not go public" I explain.

"Are you kidding me, I was only waiting for you to do this, I need my other party animal in my vlogs!" Bryce says and everyone laughs.
"No but it total seriousness, we all are so happy about it, we want to show you off, I agree with you tho, coming just in some tiktoks would only bring you backlash and we don't want that. I'm filming Teatok tomorrow with Bryce and Jaden, you wanna be in it?" Josh says and I happily nod.

"Yeah and then you could be in my hot tub confession video, I was planning on filming tomorrow too" griffin says.
"Yeah I would love that"

"And then you could open a YouTube channel and answer some questions" Nessa says.
"That is actually a good idea I'll think about that."

"So tomorrow we film, and as soon as we upload we can post our tiktoks with you" Bryce explains.
And I nod.
"Thank you guys" I say.

"Tomorrow I'm posting 15 seconds of angel and demons on tiktok, you could be part of it if you want to" jaden asks me.
"I'd love that Jae" I answer

Here we go... I have no idea how things will go, but I'm sure ready to be tagged in tae infamous Tiktok room. I just hope not to get too much hate.

Authors note
Woah two updates in a day.. I'm actually surprised.
Let me know what you think of the chapter, and if you have any suggestions just hit me up, I'm open to any idea! Love you guys🥰

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