"My mother also enjoyed watching them. It is the reason why we built the tower in that direction." His mind became lost in the past.

"That tower is truly fit for a queen," Aria stated, but there was a lack of excitement behind her words. "Prince Elvin, would it be possible, after I have gained control of my powers, to move outside the castle?"

"Do you find your sleeping arrangement disagreeable?" He was a little taken back by her question. That was one of the most refined rooms in the kingdom, fitted for royalty. Despite its practical use, he assumed she would be pleased there.

"No. It's all lovely, but if I may be candid... It feels suffocating. Most days I wake, someone brings me food, then Estel and Nessa escort me to the High Shveera. I enjoy my time there. But then I return and hear the click of the door locking...it's quite disheartening."

"I see..."

"I guess I was hoping that someday I would be able to get a cottage or something on the side of the kingdom. Like the High sheevra. Somewhere where I can roam free." Aria pondered how her life had changed. She had all the luxury she could ever want back home, but she was never truly happy. Her life had been filled with so much turmoil and hate. For once, while away from that, she found that she could breath in piece while working with the High Shveera

"I didn't realize you felt this trapped..." Elvin felt guilty. Despite her feeling of being here, she had been so selfless in helping Lia. She had even risked her life for the nymph when it had wronged her. Sure, he didn't think all humans evil as some did, but he didn't know them noble.

"I'm sorry," Elvin apologized in a solemn tone.

"What for?"

"For the circumstances that brought you here... for my role in that." He wondered if he should tell her why he petitioned his father for her life. But how could he? When he did not really know himself what he was doing.

"Was it always like this? All this hate?"

"I remember a time when humans were allowed to roam in fae land. No need to kill each other on sight. Granted, most humans didn't want to come here in the first place."

"Why did you attack? I never understood that?"

"I am not sure of what you speak of?"

"The attack that started the war? Why did the fae attack?"

"The human's intent to invade our lands started the war. I do not know what lies you speak," Elvin grunted out. The offense fell off his lips.

"What do you mean lies? I have visited the site and saw how an entire town was laid to ruin with my own eyes. The skeletons still stain the ground."

"Then your eyes fail you."

"Must you be so condescending? How am I to know you are not the one that tells lies?" Aria turned her head to glare at the prince. Her redwood hair danced violently against the wind.

The wind swirled around them as the avealis began its descent. Once they landed on the city, by the High Shveeran's hut, everyone dismounted. "Nessa. Estel. You may go rest. General Elora see to that the high sheevra attends to Lia and Aria," Elvin spoke.

"I feel fine," Aria stated. She was, but mostly she wanted to contradict the elf. "I am not done with our conversation."

"I am. There are more immediate things that require my attention." Elvin turned without further words.

Aria made to go after him, but a hand grasped her arm. "You should still have the High Sheevra see you, make sure there are no side effects to the poison. You can always speak to him later, " Elora added.

A Clash Of Light And Thunder (War Of The Forgotten Lovers Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now