💗 twelve💗 Edited

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Jidderh sat in front of the table tapping her fingers on the table impatiently waiting for them to Grace them with there presence.

Soon the door was pushed opened, the officer walked in with a man she confirmed her doubt was her father which she held so much hatred for the man that made the whole world against her.

She gave him a once over thanking her lord for not letting her take anything from him not a look could confirm he was her father, she went though her bag bringing out a white paper.

She forwarded it to the DAC who had a glass placed on his sharp nose, jidderh often doesn't like those kind of old people that wear on there which was supposed to be on the face.

"So miss your case will be in the court" he wrote some stuffs on the paper putting it into the file.

Jidderh left the room not looking at her father's way, she doesn't care if the secret they kept hiding for 25 years Is open all she needed was Justice for her mother.

A goofy smile was playing on jidderh's lips at the sight of Ammar by the driver's door of his car.

His head was bowed low obviously busy with his phone,Jidderh wore the dark shade that was once on her head, the sunshade was doing a great job covering half her face just so the reporters standing outside the station where flashing speakers with cameras are her probably taking news.

Media and there drama she thought.

"You won't believe this" Ammar flashed his phone at jidderhs face, it was a picture if her wearing the same black Maci dress.

"Lord media will all be the death of us" she shoved back Ammars phone to him searching thought her bag for hers just so she could read the article.

"People like judging and flashing fake news" jidderh said to herself but Ammar got her, "seriously some where even saying we are divorce after getting married because we have the same father" an ugly chuckle escaped jidderh lips.

"They all want to make me give up on this, people are bad mouthing us saying we shouldn't have disgraced your father like this" jidderh was quick to flip back the tears that was threatening to spill out of her eyes.

"Ammar am sorry for everything I just have to do this, I Know all this is disturbing you deep down I know am just sorry" Ammar found a space and pack the car.

He draw smoothing cycles on jidderh's back letting her cry, passing a tissue paper he always placed in his car to her, jidderh blow her nose noisily earning a chuckle from Ammar.

"You know deep down all this hurt only if there is a way out to not humiliate the man that brought me into this world, he took care of me I grew up with his money.
It's all hurt you know but justice must be serve, it's hurt".

"It's okay I understand, am sorry if I have to drag your name into this" jidderh signed worriedly not liking the way Ammar was by her in all this.

The man was a father figure to him all throughout his life and this shouldn't be how he will repay him.

"As the big brother I am, supporting my lil sister is all I could do" a cute pout was playing on Ammars cute Lil lips making him earn a pinch on his not so long nose from jidderh.

Jidderh signed loudly on the couch in the living the house was pin drop silent.

"I should get you water" jidderh offer still stretching her legs which where soar.

"No you don't have to it's obvious your tied so just extend my greetings to them" Ammar waved already on his feet jidderh though maybe she should see him off.

"Noo seriously you should just rest, you have a flight to catch tomorrow" Ammar remained jidderh about going back to work the next day.

She pulled her head out of frustration "I think I'll just resign" jidderh said truthfully knowing she couldn't take all the stress coming her way now.

Ammar found a chair, which jidderh took the other one, the place was like a lobby in the house which had two love chairs and a coffee table by the glass window showing a clear view of the garden.

"Noo nothing of that is happening you see, working will only take off your mind away from all this" Ammar tired but knowing jidderh could be the hardest person one can ever try convincing.

To be truthful most time he hate her stubbornness once she set her mind on doing things then no one could be able to stop her not even herself.

So what you all thinking, is wanting justice for jidderh's mother too much.

Is Ammar doing a bad thing not supporting his father.


Ongoing edition
All rights reserved
Aleeyu xynab

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