8 | My Oh My (Edited)

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I feel someone shaking me awake. Seriously, let me sleep peacefully for one day. I take my time opening my eyes and see Jacob.

"What do you want?", I yawn.

"Denis's in town so we're gonna go visit him and his family, you coming?"


"Okay then. Uh, I think the Roberts are visiting their grandparents today so you're home alone until we get back, bye", he says and leaves.

"Hmm okay", I almost go back to sleep.

Then I jolt up.

Wait...Roberts, that's Ace, that means he's not going to be here for the day.

Oh.. no...

I mean, yeah okay...

*whispers* Nooooooooooooo

I get up and go to take a shower, mostly because I have frizzy hair from not showering last night. I dress up in black running shorts and a grey tee with my black glasses before drying my hair with a towel.

Walking out, I see the whole Roberts fam near the front door.

"Good Morning!", I greet them and then look at Ace.

My oh my 

He's wearing beige pants and a brown jacket hoodie with a white t-shirt inside. His hair is messy as always and all in all, he looks so fine.

"Good Morning Jess", Uncle and Aunt greet me, slipping on their shoes.

"Morning Akki", Amber says, adjusting her dress.

"Morning Princess", Ace grins.

I blush.

"Well, we better be on our way, my parents are not patient", Aunt Mali laughs and grabs Uncle Trevor's arm.

"You have two minutes", Amber warns before dragging her parents outside.

Ace immediately kisses me and I stand on my tiptoes to kiss him back.

"Now my morning just became good", he mumbles into the kiss.

I pull back and smile.

"You'll be gone the whole day?"

"I think. I mean you never know what my parents might pull off", he groans.


"But I will try to come back as soon as possible", he smiles down at me.

I grin and kiss him again.

"Okay time's up, Mom and Dad are getting suspicious", Amber grabs Ace's wrist.

He quickly pecks my cheek, "Later Princess", he smirks and walks out.

I blush.

I decided to Facetime Rachel and that would pretty much take up all morning.

She accepts the call on the second ring.

I see that she's sitting cross-legged on her bed, doing her nails.

"SO, what's up with Jace this fine day?", she asks me


"Yeah, you and Ace's ship"


"So, what's up with Jace?"

One itty bitty detail, I didn't tell her that we went on a date.

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