7 | The Things I Do For You (Edited)

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Why on earth do alarms exist? I slowly open my eyes and grab my phone. My eyes go blind with the phone screen's light and it takes me a minute to see.

It's 5 am.

Why am I waking up at 5 am exactly...?





Okay, I am calm.

I see texts from all my friends, asking whether I'd like to hang out tomorrow. So, like that tomorrow is today.

'I can't sorry 😕 Maybe tomorrow?' I type and send.

I ALSO see a text from Hot Creature.

'I almost forgot, wear something casual princess, and don't forget a swimsuit underneath 😉'

I blush. (Blush count anyone? No? Okay....)

It's now 5:05 and I need to shower and get dressed. Should I wear a dress? I own only a couple but I FEEL like this would be appropriate.

I chose a spaghetti strip floral dress that has red, orange, and yellow, as flower colors, and the rest is white. It hugs my torso but then expands from my hip. I also chose sandals that match this dress.

I neatly place the dress on top of my already-made bed (OCD) before grabbing my towel and stepping into my bathroom. I brush my teeth do my skincare and scrub off a whole layer of my skin while showering.

Now, I need to blow dry. That's gonna take long.


I somehow finish all things in the bathroom by 5:40.

I put on some body lotion and this perfume that smells so good.

What should I do with my hair? Braid? No Braid? Bun? No Bun? In the end, I just decided to let it loose. I put on my red bikini before putting my dress on.

I guess I look okay.

I pack a bag with random things like my phone, water bottle, mints, etc. Just when I put on my contacts, there's a knock on the door.

"Who is it?", I ask quietly. It's still 5:50.

"It's me", I hear Amber.

I open the door for her and she comes in before closing the door.

"WOW, my brother is one lucky man"

"Oh, stop it... Seriously though, do I look okay?"

"You look marvelous"

"Aw thanks"

"So, do you know where Ace is taking you?"

"Nope, he never said anything about it, he told me to wear a bikini though, so somewhere with water"

Her eyes widen.

"No way", she whispers.

"What!?", I ask panicked.

"He's taking you there? Wow he must like you"

"He's taking me where?"

She smiles wickedly," You'll see"

"Okay...", I say, and put on my sandals.

"What's the time?"

I check my phone, "5:55"

"Okay then, I better be off, I have classes at 7 and I have some homework that's due like TODAY"

I laugh, "Okay then shoo, submit the homework in time, okay, I'm telling you from experience"

How I Met Him | ✓ (Editing)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz