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Aaliyah's POV

I woke by feeling the sun shine on my face. I hate it why the hell I keep the curtains open. Everytime I forget to close it and then the morning I have to bear the consequences.
I groaned and tried to open my eyes. Obviously beacuse of the light my first attempt was not successful, the second time I tried and my eyes open.

The first thing to connect with my eyes was a small chandelier. It was beautiful with diamond like glasses hanging from it's all around. But it was a little familiar. I frown and looked around, the walls were of different colours now they were sweet cream contrasting with royal blue and peach pink.

It's all looking familiar.

I felt something or preview someone moving beside me. I still was not understanding why this all looks familiar to me. A voice beside me brought out of my thought.

"Good Mornig " the voice said.

That voice. What the -!

I turned my head toward the person. Now everything clicked in my mind why everything was looking so familiar to me. The colours on the wall tje chandeliers.
How can I forget it. It was me who has given this room all the things it has now.

" What the hell I'm doing here?" I shouted on Ivan.

He frowned on this.

" What do you mean what are you doing here! I brought you here so that you can recover much better in my under and I'll take care of you all day" he said.

" How dare you?"

" How dare me! I brought you here for your good babe" he said while cupping my face with his hand

I looked at him with wide eyes.

" What the hell you arw talking about! I want to back home."

"This is the home babe. Don't you remember you made it home. Everything in this house is of your choice. I didn't removed a thing after you left."

" After I left? You are talking as if I wanted to leave you. Tell me one thing lvan. Was I were fucking someone the same night you proposed with ring? Was I the one who was caught in that act? Was I the one whoring around the same night after making the promise to someone for staying loyal all the life? SAY IT IVAN WAS I THE ONE? NO IT WASN'T ME BECAUSE GOOD AS I REMEMBER YOU DID ALL THAT THING. DIDN'T YOU?" my voice got loud in the end.

All the feelings all the emotions I was feeling came back to me as a stromg wave hitting me again and agian without nay mercy. I was crying but I didn't let any voice out of my mouth.

I looked at Ivan he was standing on the bed on his knees and head down. He slowly lifted his head. There was a longing in his eyes. I couldn't comprehense for what it was.

" I want to go home." I said to him not looking toward him. I can't face the looks he has in his eyes.

" Where my husband and child lives" I quickly added when he opened his mouth. But after listening my words he didn't said anything. He slowly lifted from bed.

" Get fresh-n-up I will leave at his house. He spat "his" as of it was so disgusting for him to say. After saying that he went out of the room.

I freshned up and got my self in the living room. I remember everything about this place. It has every touch I gave it. Talk about the carpets, sofas, paints, painting, photographs of mine and Liam.

I sigh out. I recall my words from earlier what I said to Ivan. My husband and child.
I soo wanted it to be real. My family, my husband and my child, but alsa it couldn't be because for my so-called husband I'm just a replacement for his wife and his kid's mother.

I got startled when someone suddenly tapped me on the shoulder. I turned and found Ivan standing.

" I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you" he said with a smile.

"Oh well you did" I huffed.

" Hey! don't blame me now you are the one who gets easily startled" he saod raising his hands in defence.

" No! you like to do that" I huffed again.

" Oh well, maybe I like getting you all red" he said and we both started laughing.

" Um..we should go now" he said.

" Yeah" I replied. We have had breakfast. I mean I had in the room after I walked got out of the bathroom.

He still have all my clothes and my makeup and perfumes and jewellery kept as they were before I left. They looked like no one had touched them.

Well I can imagine Ivan giving everyone death threat for even touching them.This thought made me laugh a little.

" What are you laughing at?" Ivan asked. Oh I forgett he is here too.

I smiled at him and said " Nothing". He eyes me once again amd then nodded to himself. It made me smile some more. It is Ivan's habit to nod to himself when he doesn't get the other perosn.

Huh! What I'm gonna do now? With Ivan back and me having husband and child. I don't know what my life wants from me.


Hey readers!


Okay no one have to say that I'm late cause for me it's not. Well we are still in Jan and I beleive this whole we can celebrate new year.

Okay now I want you all to tell me if your views on the character. You can message me too if you want. But please tell me it's important for me to know what you people think of the characters so that I can move the story accordingly.

Kkay bbye now.

Have fun and a healthy day. Be careful and stay at home. It's still not safe to go out much.

Love yaa!!🌸

Do comment amd vote the chapter.

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