12 - What You Came Here For

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Minseok didn't bother to look at him, instead, choosing to get off from the bed. "I need to clean up-"

"This was supposed to be temporary," Junmyeon reminded him, trying not to start an argument. He already knew Minseok was dealing with a lot right now and didn't want him to have any more negative thoughts. "You know that."

"Yeah, that was before Zitao came back to life, you got exposed as a demi-angel, and not only you and Baekhyun are seeing people, he's now even expecting," Minseok harshly said. "A child, Junmyeon."

Junmyeon opened his mouth, trying to think of a good counter argument, but came up blank. "So- so you're saying we're stuck here forever."

"I'm not saying that," Minseok corrected him. "I'm saying it's not safe right now."

"And when does right now end?!" Junmyeon said, yelling the last part to his friend. "When, Xiumin, when?!"

Minseok ran his fingers through his hair, forcing himself not to pull any strands out. "I don't know."

Minseok went to his closest and pulled out a towel, so Junmyeon took that as his cue to leave. "Good night, I guess," he said, forgetting momentarily that it was merely 4 in the afternoon. "I'll see you later."

Junmyeon got off the bed, heading towards the front door, when he heard Minseok call him out. "Myeon, wait."

Confused, Junmyeon turned to face Minseok, who wasn't even looking at him. "What is it, Minseok?"

Minseok played with the ring on his finger. "If you two do decide to leave," he whispered quietly. "Let me know to go with you guys. And let your significant know."


After his conversation with Minseok during the middle of the day, Junmyeon relayed the message to Baekhyun, feeling disheartened over the whole thing; he knew it was bad timing for them to be asking to leave, but...

It just wasn't welcoming here, in Junmyeon's opinion. Sure, no one was outright rude to him, but it wasn't really delightful to be referred to as to "the human" by everyone in the stronghold, although now it was "the demi-angel" instead.

Plus, it was obvious they didn't belong here. The people here were busy defeating this Song person's group, who if he recalled correctly, a bunch of his men disappeared a while ago. Junmyeon didn't keep up with news like that, he remembered hearing about it right when Baekhyun became, well-

Speaking of which, that meant that Baekhyun kept craving his candy obsession again.

As soon as Junmyeon opened the door to Baekhyun's room after asking to come in, Baekhyun didn't even wait two seconds to start whining about ice cream.

"It's been months since I've had ice cream!" Baekhyun explained, throwing himself backwards on the bed as Junmyeon slipped off his shoes. "I know I have to be healthy for Chaewon, anyways."

Junmyeon raised an eye. "Uh... who's Chaewon?"

"Oh." Baekhyun sat up, grabbing a nearby pillow; it was the only one that wasn't on the floor anyways. Yeah he knew he had to clean up, thank you very much. "I thought it was a cute name for her."

"A cute name for- wait, what?" Junmyeon sat down on the bed, across from Baekhyun. "You already came up with a name?"

Baekhyun nodded. "Yeah," he said. "At least, I think it's a girl. I just thought Chaewon was cute."

Junmyeon extended his hand across the bed slowly, reaching out to grab Baekhyun's palm. "That's a pretty name," he said truthfully. "Does Chanyeol know?"

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