Ara and Candace grinned. Scorpius shifted uncomfortably, and Alex inhaled annoyed.

"Do you know anything else about him?" Arabia asked.

Noah thought again and then nodded. "He's tall, they were saying. They also said he's nice and stuff, but then again I heard it from a bunch of girls so who knows-"

"Noah!" Candace and Arabia shouted.

Me and the boys laughed.

"He's right you two. You guys and most of the other girls in school will always fangirl about someone, especially new guys," I said with a grin.

Candace scoffed and Arabia rolled her eyes.

"What about you?" Olive asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Like, what about you. Do you fangirl too?" Addy asked.

I laughed. "Heck no. Like everyone says, I'll probably not even know he's there. I'll iGnOrE his existence."

Addy nodded and Olive shrugged. Scorpius and Alex seemed to be very quiet.

"What's wrong Alex? Scorpius?" I asked, turning to the two.

Alex scoffed. "He better not be in Slytherin. I don't want him to be an annoying new prick."

Arabia laughed. "I think someone just doesn't want this new kid to get too much attention so his precious Alice stays with him."

Alex glared. "Shut your mouth. You don't know what your talking about."

I laughed.

"And you Scorpius? What do you think?" Candace asked.

Scorpius stayed quiet for a moment, and then spoke.

"Don't know. If he's as nice as they say then great, hopefully he's not that type to be annoying and nice. If he's an ass, I hope he stays away."

Candace smirked. "And if he goes for..."

Scorpius's eyes widened. "Stop it Candace..."

Candace laughed, and I looked at them confused.

"And if he goes for what?"

"Nothing Arabella," Scorpius said. He glared at Candace and she smirked.

"Hey yall!"

We all looked to see Alice and the others.

I smiled. "Hey Alice."

She smiled back. "So I heard you guys talking about new guy. Is he hot?"

Alex stiffened, and Arabia stiffled a laugh.

"We don't know yet," Noah said. "Alex and Scorpius are hoping he isn't-"

"I said no such things," Alex retorted.

We all laughed. Bull crap.

Alice blushed slightly, and looked away.

Lorcan and Lysander looked at each other.

"I don't want him in Hufflepuff," I heard Lorcan whisper.

Lysander scoffed. "Let's hope he's not in Gryffindor either..."

I laughed softly, and they looked up and smiled.

Rose looked at her watch and her eyes widened. "Guys we should head back to the castle!"

Albus looked up. "Also, it might rain."

We all looked up to see a dark and grey sky. I gulped.

"Anyone got umbrellas possibly?" I asked weakly.

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