Flustered - Super x ANS

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A/N: This one is a bit of a mess, so sorry if it's not as good as some of my others. I watched the clip of Super and ANS kissing (the one where they're both wearing masks, and ANS asks over and over to kiss Super) again and I was reminded how cute they are like damn. I was trying to go for something and I think I missed it, but you're welcome to it anyways. I am not Doing Well™ so I may be gone for a while, who knows. Love you <3

Watching ANS play is genuinely one of the most beautiful, and kind of sexy, things in the entire world. Super hoped no one would ever ask him what it was about the kind of headshots Seongchang hit that was so attractive to him, but every time he'd hit one it'd make his heart skip a beat. It was honestly a miracle he hadn't died of a heart attack yet.

One of the few positives about sitting on the bench was the fact Matt got to see all those beautiful little shots in all their glory. The only thing that'd make it better would be if he could watch ANS' body when he played. The way his face scrunches up a little, and the way his arm moves, and his tattoos. Matt gets lost in the thoughts of way ANS' tattoo start at the top of his neck and move down his arm, and...


Another map win in the books as Athena's voice announces the win on Hollywood. It's just another day at work for the Shock, as everyone begins to file back into the main practice room to discuss the strategy for Anubis. Super gravitates towards the taller man stood in the back of the room.

"You're nuts dude." He whispers, trying not to disturb the greater conversation going on in the room. His pinkie finger brushes across the back of ANS' hand just to make sure he knew that he was the one that was being talked to.

Turning to him, a smile plastered all over his face, ANS replied; "Thank you Super, I play well for you.". His whisper low enough Super can feel it vibrating in his chest, or maybe that's the heart attack finally coming for him. Either way, he can feel his face flooded with blood at the idea that Seongchang is showing off just for him. Obviously it wasn't true, ANS always plays well, but the words still took their affect.

"Bullshit, you play well no matter what." Matt tried to retaliate, still working hard to keep his voice low and pretending to pay attention to Crusty. Honestly, whatever the coach says is pointless for him, the was no way they were going to put him in on a 2CP map. Super is just for control and moral at this point.

Pulling him out of his thoughts, the tank player feels ANS' hooking their pinkie fingers together to grab his attention. Turning his head back, it felt like the DPS had taken a step closer, their two faces way closer than before. Struggling to maintain eye contact, Super feels like he is being stared down as ANS begins whispering again;

"It's way more fun knowing you're watching.". Following with a wink, ANS watches Super's eyes flick to his lips for just a split second, uncertainty written all over his face. ANS' tongue pushes out of his mouth slightly, wetting his lips, refusing to stand down. Both boys in a miniature standoff, before a voice outside their bubble speaks up.

"And we'll put Matt in, okay?".

"What?!" Not really taking the time to temper down his surprise, the word left Matt's mouth as he turned to face Crusty in the centre of the room. What he didn't notice was the way his hand instinctually reached out to hold ANS', fingers interlinking.

"I'm assuming you'd like the play time? This game is a roll, and it's been a while since you saw a 2CP. Plus, we should give Smurf a break.". The aforementioned player turning around to look up and give Super one of his huge smiles.

"Yeah, yes, sorry, just didn't expect it.". Super felt ANS squeeze his hand as he piped up;

"It's okay, I carry.". And suddenly the room is laughing, and the small panic in Matt's chest is calmed. It was just another game, he's never scared to play, it was just the contrast of everything that had happened in the last few minutes.

Overwatch League Fanfics - [Player x Reader and Player x Player]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang