Buttercup - Dogman x Gender Neutral Reader

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A/N: Is this another fic of an OWL boy comforting me after a super long day at university? Maybe. Maybe it is. What are you going to do about it?

"Hey beautiful", Dusttin's voice rang through the phone as you sank into your bed. Lying back, it didn't matter if you still hadn't got changed into your pyjamas, you let the mattress engulf you.

"Bowerman, I need you to convince me to go brush my teeth before I pass out because my dentist will kill me if I don't.".

"I mean, I could oooorrrr you could curl up and chat shit with me until you fall asleep," he chuckled at his nature to always encourage the worst of you. His laughter always made your head a little bit dizzy, so you were thankful you were lying down.

"I haven't even got changed..."

"I can help with that.". Dogman's incessant flirting has been a permanent fixture of your friendship for the last year. Crossing paths outside the Blizzard Arena before the homestand model happened, the two of you had connected over the graphic tee you were wearing. Ever since you two have enjoyed the escape of each other, even if the hundreds of miles between the two of you made that a bit harder as of late.



You sighed, closing your eyes for a second as you let his laughter roll over your chest, letting the breathlessness it gave you take over and wash away the day's exhaustion. Feeling your head swim in the silence Dusttin let happen between the two of you, the idea of just falling asleep becoming more and more tempting.

"Today not go well then?" And there it is. Dogman can do many things extremely well, but he can never just leave things be. You've always thought it's the part of him that wants to look after everyone around him, a mother hen. A very short, masculine, mother hen.

"It was fiiiinnnneeeee..." trailing off you try to sink back into the feeling you had had before he asked.

"But?". Fine Dusttin, if he had to know.

"But I've been running around campus since 8:30am this morning doing this, that, and whatever, and I am simply just exhausted. Everyone wants a bit of me recently and I just can't keep spinning all these plates. One of them will fall soon, I can feel it.".

"Let me help then buttercup," god, buttercup, that one always makes your heart skip a beat. There's something about it that hits just right, the way it rolls across his tongue and out of his mouth genuinely makes the hairs on the back of your neck stand up sometimes.

"You're in Arizona, Bowerman, bit of trek to come help me carry books from the library.". This again caused that addictive laugh to fall through the phone as you somehow sank further into the bed, cursing the fact you were wearing jeans.

"I'd walk aaalllll the way there, just so you'd let me carry your library books.". Even though he can't see you, you roll your eyes as dramatically as you can hoping it would somehow carry through the phone.

"I'd rather you help me take off these fucking..." You try to shimmy out of the skinny jeans you were wearing, "...jeans.". The shimmying was not working and you let out a loud humph as you give up.

"Oh wow Y/L/N! How very forward of you". He laughs again. Your head spins again.

"Don't act like you're not interested," you respond. Rarely did you ever actually flirt back with Dogman, despite often wanting to. He frequently left you a lot more flustered than you'd like to admit, which was probably most of the fun of it all for him.

"Oh I am, very much so, but right now Y/N you need to go get ready for bed and actually get in bed.".


"For me? Please buttercup.". Fucking buttercup...

"Fine, I'll be back in a few minutes handsome.". You hear him wolf whistle at you as you push yourself off your bed, leaving your phone there, and go perform your night routine - washing your face and everything. As you pick back up the phone you hear him talking to Ana,

"Gonna make Y/N come see us, yes I am. They'll take you for walks, yes they will, walkies!". It had always been in the back of your mind how easy your friendship had been, and just how easily you two could fall into a comfortable relationship. You, him, and Ana. Moving out to Arizona with him and... "Hey, you back?".

"Oh... yeah, sorry, I zoned out. Long day.".

"It's cool, you in bed?"

"Getting there..." You say as you lift the covers up and sink into the surrounding softness, letting it engulf you for a moment. "Okay, I'm all curled up, now the only thing I'm missing is..."

"Me, obviously.". He cut you off, or finished your sentence technically – not that you'd let him know that. "Hey, maybe when you finish this semester you could come out and see me and Ana?".

You hum in response, wanting to say a lot more but you were just too damn tired.

"I mean no pressure of course, and I'd pay for your flights it would just be nice to see you, and Ana is so desperate to meet you.". Very rarely is Dusttin nervous but you can hear it now in his voice, the slight wobble as he quietened down, struggling to be confident in his suggestion. He wanted it, desperately, but he never wanted to push anything on you.

"Can I sleep on the left side of the bed?" Catching him by surprise he stutters out an agreement, "perfect, I'll see you soon.".

"Oh! Poggers!". His surprise at how quickly you'd agreed was palpable, he was expecting to have to do some convincing.

"Did... did you just say poggers?". The embarrassed silence that followed spoke for itself. "You fucking gamer bro, oh and by the way, I'm the little spoon.".

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