Abandoned - Super x Danteh

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A/N: I am actually fucking sad about Moth leaving, because I cannot imagine how sad Super is after seeing everyone around him leave him. I just want to give him a fucking hug, so enjoy this super emotional piece where Danteh wants to do the same thing.

Moth leaving the Shock wasn't something Super ever thought he'd have to prepare for. Moth had been there from day one and had won two championships with them, why would he ever leave? So when Grant told him he was signing to the Los Angeles Gladiators, it felt like his entire world was collapsing around him.

He could feel his chest tighten and something immediately get caught in his throat as he choked through how much he was going to miss him, and how Shock was going to roll him when they played against each other. Every part of the speech feeling too familiar as the almost rehearsed words fell off his tongue. He didn't even really notice his cheeks get wet, as Grant joked and listened and cared.

Matt got it, he really did. Grant was always way more reserved, and it's exhausting being the one adult on a team of children. He needed something new, and Matt envied how easy Grant seemed to find this decision. Sure, the money helped, of course it would – but honestly Grant just wanted something new. He was bored of the Shock. He was bored of Matt.


He isn't bored of Matt. Of course he isn't. But sitting there after the Discord call ends, Super's brain starts running and running and running as his silent crying turned to sobbing. Sat in his childhood bedroom he was suddenly eighteen again and Danteh is leaving. Or Sintraa is leaving. Or Rascal. Why does everyone keep leaving me?!

It's now he notices just how damp his cheeks are and how thirsty he's becoming. So pissed at how much he's crying he drops his water bottle as he goes to open it, spilling water all over his lap.

"Cunt!" he shouts, his voice sounding heavy with the sadness of it all as he stands up to try and sort himself out. Everything is so fucking wet, god he's so pathetic. He's happy for Grant, he really is. He just can't keep doing this.

When Dante left he didn't get out of bed for a week. Despite the silent understanding of the team and the boys' attempts to be there, none of them were Dante. They never were going to be. Both Moth and Smurf filled the boys shaped gap in their own ways, but it was moments like right now that reminded Matt just how much he missed him.

And now that part of his life was empty again, and he's sat with no pants on the edge of his bed still crying. He resides to just giving up on the water right now and curls up under the covers. He cries until he feels just how hollow his chest is and then he cries a little bit more, until that hollow hurts just as much as Danteh leaving.

Fuck. No. It's Moth leaving.

Shit you're such a terrible friend can't even focus on the right fucking person. Fuck.

Defeated he cries himself to a pitiful sleep, head resting on his damp pillow until his phone ringing wakes him up. Determined to just hang up on whoever it was, the name on the screen made him stop.

"Hi Matty, Grant called me, said you might need a hand?" Matt tries to quiet the instinctual sob that wrenches it way up and out of his dry throat. "Hey, hey, baby, it's okay, I know it hurts right now but it's okay.".

"You're all fucking leaving me! All of you!" Matt wants to shout but it comes out as this pitiful choke, he's too damn thirsty to shout.

"I'm sorry Matthew, I am so sorry. You'll be okay though, I know you will." The older boy's voice echoes down the phone, Matthew can almost the miles.

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