Shock Shaped Paradise - Super x Reader

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Homestands sounded like a great idea initially. Playing in front of fans, seeing the world, and playing the game you loved? Most players, yourself included, had been quick to sign their names on the dotted line for the third season of the Overwatch League. Having worked your ass off in Contenders, the fact the San Francisco Shock had given you the chance to prove yourself in the league was honestly the dream.

There was, however, one thing you hadn't considered in this little Shock shaped paradise you had created; just how often you'd been crammed into hotel rooms. For the third time this season you find yourself and your team in your hotel room; purely because you had been given a two bed room for just you since you were the only girl on your team. With half the boys cuddled up one bed and a few on the floor, Super and you ended up in the other bed.

Honestly, before moving to LA, you had thought that Matt would be one player you wouldn't get along with. His boisterous appearance in the public eye had made you think he just was just a bit of an idiot; that he wouldn't put in the work behind the scenes. You had, however, realised you were completely wrong. Unlike Viol2t who slept through most VOD reviews, you saw Matt turn up every single day ready to work his ass off to keep his spot.

So, here you are the day before your match against the Philadelphia Fusion crammed into a hotel room doing another VOD review complete with the support player's snoring. Matt was half curled up in your lap at this point, shattered after the flight and rushed integrity check. As Crusty spoke, he slipped further and further down the bed until his head found it's way into your lap.

You let it sit there as Crusty went on about the Fusions movements, letting your brain filter in and out the information about Alarm's positioning and Carpe's rotations. You had heard it before, so many times. Even spending your own free time watching VODs of Alarm's Ana play to better your own, which Matt had felt the need to tell you more times than you could count that it was unnecessary. Thinking about the last time he had caught you up way too late at your PC watching the VODs, your hands slipped down to his hair, looping your fingers into the brown locks.

As Matt wrapped up his stream after another night of what he considered domination, he walked towards the kitchen in your flat to grab something to eat before passing out for the night. You had tried your best to keep to a normal sleep schedule since joining the league so were normally asleep at this time. Thus when he saw the light leak out from the bottom of your door frame he knew something was up.

After grabbing a glass of water and a couple packets of chips, he lightly knocked his knuckle against your door, hoping to find you had just fallen asleep watching some show on your PC.

'Yeah?' your whispered, not wanting to wake anyone up.

Super slowly opened the door to see you sat cross-legged at your PC, with the last Philly game up on your monitor. To say you looked a mess would be polite, your face so close to the monitor as you tried to study the support play. Barely looking up, you saw Matt walk up to you putting down the water and chips on your desk.

'You really should be asleep Y/N' he said, firmly but quietly, trying just as you were to not wake anyone.

'I just wanted to watch it one more time, my Ana play could use the help.' Trying to excuse the fact your body was scrunched up in your chair, you pointed at something on your screen, 'I mean, seriously, look at how he does that. I would have missed that shot, I just know I would have.'

Matt's eyes followed your arm, down to your finger which was pointed at Alarm getting the killing blow on a flanking Tracer. He sighed. 'You would hit that shot if you weren't so exhausted'.

You leant back a little, looking up at him. You could both see the stress on each other's faces. With each of your starting spots on the roster constantly in flux, the feeling of not quite being good enough for the Shock was heavy in the air. 'I could say the same to you.'

'Yes, I guess you could, but luckily for me tank is a much more forgiving role'. Matt moved back a little, walking towards your bed, as he spun your chair around. Maintaining eye contact, he cupped your cheek lightly with his hand. 'Go to bed, Y/N, for me?'

Turning your chair back around to face your PC once more, in protest, you tried to explain why you couldn't. Why you had to watch it through once more, explaining his positioning or his cooldown management or something. Matt listened for a second, before dragging your chair away from your PC, standing between you and the screen.

'At least go brush your teeth? Get ready for bed?' You rolled your eyes, trying to move closer to your desk once more as he firmly stopped the chairs wheels with his foot. 'Then you can come back and finish up.' You sighed, too tired to fight him, and made your way to the apartment's bathroom.

As your door closed behind you, he made quick work of turning your PC off, cleaning your desk up, and sorting your bed out. Turning off the main light and turning on your small bedside lamp you had bought from Target the week you moved in – insisting to him that it was a necessity.

'Matt! Dude! You can't just baby me all the time, I need to work for my spot!' He hadn't heard the door open as turned to be faced with a pretty pissed off and tired teammate.

'You need to sleep, sweetheart.'

'So do you!' You retorted as you closed the distance between the two of you, cursing the fact you had to look up to him – he really isn't as short as his chat makes him out to be.

'I know, but I won't sleep well until I know you are curled up under your way too many blankets...

' cannot have too many blankets.'

He laughed quietly.

'I'm worried about you, you work too hard.'

'Says the man who basically full time streams as well as plays.'

'I know. We both are taking on too much right now, and with Philly around the corner we both want to do what we can to win.' Sighing, he sits down on your bed. 'But neither of us can do that if we turn up to scrims on one or two hours sleep.'

Sitting down next to him, close enough that your shoulders touch, and looking down at your hands. 'I just don't feel good enough to be here.'

A heavy silence fell over the room.

'Like you and the boys, you've done this before, you've literally won it all before. But I...'

'You can do it this year.' He takes a deep breath, 'we can do it this year.'.

Leaning your head on his shoulder, you yawned.

Remembering the hug he gave you, and the way he left your room that night, your ran your fingers over Super's scalp triggering a small, much happier sigh to leave the player. You mentally note how soft his hair is, and the fact for the first time in a while you felt calm, safe in your place at the Shock – despite how many men were crammed into your hotel room right now.

Matt, also, felt this calm wash over him as you played with his hair. It had been a really long time since someone had done this for him, let him be the needy one for just a second. Constantly playing the alpha in the public eye made it hard for him to admit when he just needed someone to be there. He never had to ask you, you always just knew somehow. Whenever he needed that; a hug, or someone's hands in his hair, or even just someone to listen you always appeared.

Your little Shock shaped paradise was so great, the travelling the world, the meeting the fans, playing the game. But the best part for both of you was each other. And maybe you could do it all, together.

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