Toronto - Surefour x Reader

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A/N: Surefour's retirement made me really sad, so have this piece where it turns out okay in the long run. This was going to be a Kruise x Surefour fic but Kruise left the team as well, so I made it self-insert. Enjoy <3

The Defiant falling apart in the off-season was hard for everyone outside of the team, but sat in the middle of this hurricane was so much worse. You watched all the friends you had made be released and go home, as you tried to hang onto whatever you could – which ended up being very little, as you sat in the practice room with Logix and Beast. KDG, your new head coach, was trying his best to make you feel less terrified about the future; a role normally done by your general manager but you didn't currently have one. Honestly though, you didn't want to be here, you wanted to be back at your flat with Surefour.

Lane's time at the Defiant was unfortunate. Most of the season plagued with more than just the pandemic for him, and he had decided a couple weeks ago that he was done with the professional Overwatch scene for now. It was finally time, after too many years of struggling, to put himself first. And you were happy for him, you really were, but it meant he was looking to move out – and move on, which was the far more upsetting part of it.

Lane and you had been placed into a flat in Toronto together when the team got put together, and in the beginning you had thought he was going to be the worst person to live with. There were bad times; times where he'd leave the kitchen a mess, or wake you up at 4am with his raging, or you'd fight over him not leaving his room because you were just worried about him – something he just could not understand.

There were, however, great times. Times curled up on the sofa eating take out and watching anime, and late night walks together when the both of you couldn't sleep, and there were always sweaters around for you to steal – and then every time he saw you in one he'd compliment you. He was truly amazing to live with, and just be around.

Almost eleven months after moving in, you were stood in that kitchen washing up the dishes from the last couple days as he walks in and breaks the news to you about his retirement.

The dish you're holding makes a massive splash as he finishes his sentence. There is water and soap suds everywhere.

'What?' your voice rings out, the music playing from your phone fading into the background as what he said clicked.

'I'm done with OWL, Y/N.'. There is more silence. 'I'm sorry.'.

You take a breath so deep you can feel it fill up every part of your chest. You hold it just a second, before letting to go. Drying off your hands you walk over to him and pull him into the tightest hug. You arms wrap around him, and slowly the hug becomes more desperate on your part as you let out a sob. Your mind is going a hundred miles an hour as you go through hundreds of thoughts.

He's leaving you.

He's not playing anymore.

He needs the space.

This is good for him.

He'll be okay.

I'll miss him.

You have no clue how long you've been holding him, or how long you've been crying, or even when your hands started grabbing at the back of his t-shirt, desperate to hold him somehow closer to you. But sometime afterwards you come back down to earth and hear him trying to comfort you.

Taking a step back you choke out, 'god this is so dumb, I should be the one comforting you!'. You poke his chest jokily with one hand, 'this is a big move!'.

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