Getting A Friend Back

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I ran out of the school building trying to catch up with Ali to make things right.

"Woah hey slow down." Daniel said as I almost ran into him.

"Sorry Daniel I was just trying to get to Ali."

"Ali? Why, is she ok?"

"Yeah she's fine, it's just I really screwed things up."

"Oh yeah, what happened?"

"I don't think you would want to hear it from me I think Ali needs to be with someone and she definitely doesn't want me around."

"Try me. Ali has already left I'll talk to her about it when I hear it from you." I still didn't think this was right but some part of me thought maybe Daniel could help our friendship, if there is anything left.


So I told Daniel, everything.

"What!?!? Y/n do you want to get Ali back."

"Well yes of course."

"Then you can not go to that date on Friday."

"It's not really a date it's ju-"

"Y/n it doesn't matter Ali is more important then that jerk!" Daniel said cutting me off.

"Yeah I know that Daniel she is my best friend!" Daniel was just about to throw a fit when I heard a familiar voice.

"What's going on here?"

"Oh great just the person we need to see." Daniel mumbled to himself, I turned around and saw Johnny walking in the library door.

"Johnny, I don't think it's a good idea for you to be here right now." I said trying to get him to leave.

"Yeah man we don't need you ruining anymore friendships." Daniel called out to him.

"Excuse me? Y/n what's this kid talking about?"

"Nothing it's just Ali."

"Yeah Ali found out about you two," Daniel said walking up to Johnny, "What were you thinking that Ali was just going to be okay with this?"

"Daniel it wasn't Johnny's fault I should hav-"

"Look man," Johnny said cutting me off, "I don't know who you think you are but if Ali was a true friend she would be happy for us."

"Johnny there really isn't any us-"

"That's it!" Daniel said kicking Johnny in the face, knocking him down.

"Daniel! What's wrong with you?" I said bending down to Johnny.

"That's it you're dead!" Johnny screamed bounding his fist on the ground and standing up to fight.

Johnny tried to punch Daniel but he blocked it just in time.

"Guys stop that's enough!" I said, but they kept on at each other "Guys I said stop it!" I said this time walking over to break them up.

Before I knew I got to close Daniel's foot came up slamming me in the face.

"Y/n!" Daniel said concerned coming to me, but Johnny got there first.

"Stay the hell away from her man!" Johnny screamed putting his arm around me. I took my hand down from my nose and saw blood, "Oh great."

Johnny quickly got me out of the library and we went to the nurses office, which was now empty.

"Just sit there I'll try to find some bandages or something." Johnny said sitting me on the bench and going over to the desk to look for bandages.

"Johnny I'm fine really, it's just a little blood."

"Damn I'm going to kill that kid!" Johnny said slamming the desk drawers shut in unsuccessful attempt to find the bandages.

"Johnny calm down I'm going to survive," I put my hand on Johnny's shoulder calming him from his murderous state, "If anything it was my fault I got in the way,"

"Hey don't, it's not your fault I shouldn't have started fighting him anyways." Johnny pulled me in taking a rag and cleaning up the blood on my face. He stopped and looked in my eyes.

"What? Oh gosh is my nose broken? Da-" Johnny cut me off with a kiss so powerful I almost fell.

Before I got to carried away I pushed him back, "I think I should solve this problem with Ali before we go to far."

"Why are you so concerned with Ali, I mean if she is really happy with Daniel she should be able to be happy for us."

I got what Johnny was saying but Ali's friendship still meant a lot to me and I wanted to make things right. "I've got to talk to her Johnny."


After leaving school I went straight to Ali's house.

"Well hello y/n!" Mrs. Mills, Ali's mom, said opening the door.

"Is Ali here I really need to talk to her."

"Of course she is up in her room."

I ran up the grand stair case to Ali's room and knocked on the door.

"Mom I'll be down for diner in a bit." Ali called through the closed door.

"It's not your mom." I said opening the door.

"Y/n!" Ali exclaimed running to me, grasping me in a big hug. "I'm so sorry for what I said and what happened. Daniel just called and told me everything, I was a total jerk."

"No Ali it's my fault I shouldn't have been involved with Johnny at all. If you want I'll just end it right now." I said walking over to her bedroom phone about to call Johnny.

"No y/n, I shouldn't have said what I said. I'm happy for you and Johnny, I mean I have no reason to be upset I have Daniel now. I just didn't want to see you get hurt by Johnny that's all."

"Thanks a lot Ali, and to be honest I really don't know what's going on between me and Johnny."

Me and Ali sat down on her bed, "You mean you guys aren't official?" Ali asked trying to acted like she approved of us.

"I don't really know Johnny is really hard to read."


After talking with Ali and clearing the air I walked back to my house to find my mom and dad packing suitcases.

"Mom? Dad? Why are you guys packing?"

"Me and your father decided to go away for a week,"

"Or two." My dad added in winking at my mom. Gross.

"Until we get back the Lawrence's happily offered to take you in." My mom said.

"The Lawrence's!?!? As in Johnny Lawrence?"

"Yes that's right you're going to be living with Johnny Lawrence for two weeks."

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