The Mad Man Wants Cobra Kai

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Sorry this took forever, my summer has been a lot busier than expected. But hopefully the next chapter will be quicker I have big plans ;)

"Y/n! Wait!" Johnny called after me as I walked down the school hallway to the front office. "We have to talk." Johnny rushed up behind me and grabbed my wrist.

"Johnny what the hell can you possibly say to make this any better?" I pulled my arm away from his wrist and stared into his eyes.

"I'm really sorry." Johnny said.

"I really want to believe that Johnny, but you can't even stop hating on Daniel for one second to realize what's happening to the people around you."

Johnny looked down at me with a embarrassed expression on his face. "Y/n I'll pay for-"

"That car is totally wrecked! No matter what you pay for that won't stop my dad from noticing his car is now scrap metal."

I looked at Johnny, who now had a worried look on his face, he didn't say anything. So I continued on to the principal's office.


It was now 5:30 and Susan drove me home, only to find my parents weren't home. Great, I had more time to worry about explaining a wrecked car to my dad.

The phone rang as I sat on my bed figuring out the expenses for a fix.

"Hello?" I asked, yawing.

"Please don't hang up." Johnny's voice rang through over the phone.

I paused, waiting for him to convince me to keep the phone going.

"I know what I did was a big dick move. I know there is no way to fix this, but I really want to try."

I didn't say anything.

"Please, I don't want to loose you, your the only one who's let me in. I need your help." Johnny sighed.

"What is it Johnny." I asked, I really wanted to help him, I wanted to give my whole life for him. But I was terrified.

"Kreese is back-"

"What?" I sat up against my wall and heard Johnny breathing heavily on the other side of the line.

"Y/n-" Johnny started. "He's coming back for Cobra Kai."

"How did you find this out?"

Johnny didn't answer.

"Can I meet you outside?" He finally asked.

"Johnny I can't-"

"Y/n please?" He asked almost like he was begging.

I sighed. "Give me five minutes." I hung up the phone and grabbed my jacket. Leaving a little note for my parents (not like they would care anyways) I walked out the front.

Johnny was standing across the street in his front yard. He had his hands in his pockets, I could make out his figure in the shadows of the night.

I walked across the street with my arms crossed AND OUT OF NO WHERE A BUS CAME CRASHING INTO ME. I FELT MY BONES SNAP.

No, that didn't happen but to be honest it would be better than this confrontation that was about to go down.

"Hey..." Johnny said quietly.

"What is happening Johnny? How is Kreese back?" I asked, trying everything I could to forget about the car and what would happen when my dad found out.

"I got this in the mail yesterday." He handed me and opened envelop with a letter inside. As I pulled it out, it looked like it had been crumpled up and then straightened back out.

The envelop didn't have a return label on it but said Johnny Lawrence on the cover, almost like it was just left in the mail box not as if it was delivered by mail.

"Is this from-" I looked back up at Johnny.

"Yeah it's from Kreese." Johnny sighed without even letting me finish.

I opened it up and unfolded the letter inside.

Cobra Kai wants you! Join the reopening and become a sensei.

"I was here waiting for me when I got home from school."

"How do you know this isn't some prank?" I handed the letter back to him after I stuffed it back in its envelope.

"Why would someone do this? All the guys who were in Cobra Kai knew how horrible Kreese was, they wouldn't do this." Johnny said annoyed.

"If you really believe that." I sighed, thinking back to Dutch and his buddies confronting me at Golf 'n Stuff. They all practically forced Johnny to drop me and give all his time to Kreese.

The quiet felt like it lasted forever. "Y/n..." Johnny finally said, breaking the silence. "I don't ever want to let you go, your the only one who's let me in."

"I'm not mad at you Johnny." I sighed like I was admitting this to myself for the first time. "You had no idea my car would get wrecked, but this rage you have against Daniel is getting you into so much trouble."

"I know, I suck, it's all my fault-"

"What was that?" I grinned looking up at him. "Did I just hear Johnny Lawrence admit it was his fault?"

"Yeah, yeah get over it." Johnny scoffed with a smile.

He wrapped his hand around my waist and pulled me in, "You make me so crazy, you know that?" Johnny pushed a lock of my hair behind my ear and out of my face.

Without hesitation he kissed me, running his hand through my hair. It took me a minute to realize what happened and kissed back while throwing my arms over his shoulders.

"I'll make it up to you. Your dad never has to know." Johnny said after the kiss.

"If my dad never figures out his car is wrecked, I'll be eternally grateful to you." I laughed.

Johnny looked down at the letter. "I think we should go check out Cobra Kai."

"It's eleven at night, everything is closed by now." I looked up at the dark night sky and saw the stars twinkling at us.

"Not for people who have keys." Johnny grinned and dug into his pocket, pulling out a gold key with a small green tag hanging off of it.

"Are you serious? How did you get this?" I asked, taking the key from his hands and examining it. The green tag read Cobra Kai.

The Other Side of the Story // Johnny Lawrenceजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें