Cobra Kidnapped

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"So I was thinking I'd start off with something like this." Johnny says kicking the air around him in circles. "This competition is mine." Now punching the air.

"Yeah it really sounds like you've got it all figured out." I picked at the magazine on the bench where I was laying. Johnny had been at the dojo for hours, he sensei even gave him an extra key for when he wanted to come in and practice.

Unfortunately for me that meant I was spending a lot more time flipping through out dated karate magazines then with Johnny.

"How about something like this?" He asks punching and jumping into a spin kick move.

"Looks like a winner." I say trying my best to sound enthusiastic for him. "I don't really know all these karate moves and tricks, so I'm not to sure what I am critiquing here." I told Johnny as he was punching one of the bright red punching bags.

"That's fine, as long as you can tell it is badass." He said half into his response.

"Yeah ok..." I trailed off as the dojo doors opened and a few Cobra Kai students filtered in. Johnny looked towards me, this was my cue to leave and wonder the strip mall for the fortieth time until karate class was over for the day.

"Bye-" I said to Johnny before I walked out the door, no response.

"Hey watch it!" A guy stammers at me as I accidentally bumped into him on my way out.

"Geez sorry." I rolled my eyes when he couldn't see me anymore, those Cobra Kai kids were certainly mean, besides Johnny I guess.

I walked down the street looking in each of the stores thinking about how Johnny was so focused on the tournament. I was supporting him all the way through, dear lord I hope he wins for everybody's sake.

Most of the store were completely empty sense it was early Sunday morning and most normal people were still in bed or at least eating breakfast. But not Cobra Kai kids though.

I was so lost in thought I almost didn't hear my name being called. I looked all around but no one was there, "Hello?" I asked, a few people were out opening their shops and the café was opened of course, but no one was there who called my name.

I heard it again more clearer this time and I realized where it was coming from. I looked up at an old completely empty building only a few yards from me.

"Y/n!" The call came again, whoever it was sounded confronted like they were calling for help. Without hesitation I walked into the old abandoned thrift store.

"Hello?" I looked around, me eyes now adjusting to the darkness. "Oh my gosh Daniel!"

I saw Daniel in one of the corners, his hands had duck tape on them. Before I could reach him someone walked in front of me blocking my way to Daniel.

"Well look who it is." Dutch said walking towards me, his face coming into the light.

"Dutch, let Daniel go." I said not really wanting to put up much of a fight.

"Or what sweetheart?" Dutch grabbed my hand as I quickly pulled away surprised.

"Look he deserves to get messed up a little for coming after Cobra Kai." He shouted, obviously getting agitated now as his voice got louder.

"Hey man I was never coming after Cobra Kai, I just wanted to make Johnny a little annoyed that's all." Daniel pleaded wiggling around in the duck tape.

"If Johnny isn't going to fight his own battles we'll do it for him." A pocket knife appeared from Dutch's pocket the blade popped out and shined in the light. He turned away from me and started walking towards Daniel.

"Oh no..." I looked around for any type of weapon I could stop Dutch with. To late he was already so close to Daniel.

I ran and jumped on his back, the knife flew out of his hands and landed by Daniel.

"WHAT THE HELL-" Dutch screamed as I pounded my fists on his back. With not much trouble he shook me off and I landed by the knife. Picking it up I scooted over to Daniel and cut the tape holding his arms down.

"help me." I whispered to him hopping up to my feet with the knife in my dominate hand. Daniel hopped up right next to me and held out his fist in ready-to-fight position.

"Not so tough now." I stated flicking the knife around a bit.

Dutch without hesitation did a spin kick move and kicked the knife right out of my hands and spiraling into a drain, which no doubt lead it to an under ground trash pit.

"Shit." I blinked at Dutch, Daniel just gave me a stressed out look. "Duck!" I shouted towards him as Dutch's foot came flying at his face a hundred miles an hour.

"What the hell did you do to piss off this boy?" I asked with the time we had from Dutch recovering when he missed us with that kick.

"I entered the tournament, that's what."

"Wait what?" I stood up from behind one of the boxes and faced Dutch. "You're seriously attacking us right now cause you are scared you will loose to him?" I said pointing harshly at Daniel, "Him?!?!"

"Hey words hurt." Daniel said crossing his arms.

Dutch just stood there, hands still clutched together in fist as he was about to beat the crap out of us before I interfered.

"Dutch, there is a time and place for this, and that is the tournament. Save your anger till then."

"After I'm done with him he won't be able to make it to the tournament." Dutch said as Daniel gulped hard.

"Dutch please- OH MY GOSH WHAT IS THAT???" I said mustering up my best astonished face as Dutch swirled around to look where my finger lead.

Daniel was looking too as I grabbed his wrist and ran for the exit. "I can't believe that worked." I said running through the open doors and heading straight to Cobra Kai, where Johnny was.

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