The Day Of Reckoning

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"Hello?" I asked picking up the phone in my real bedroom. I went over there just to collect a few things before returning to the Lawrence's house. My parents left a spare key in the mail holder in case of emergencies.

"Y/n?" I hear Ali's voice ask on the other side on the phone. "What are you doing at your house?"

"What are you doing calling my house?" I answered her question with another question.

"Sometimes I just call to rant and when you move back in you would have a lot to deal with."

"I can see that," I said looking at all the voicemails Ali had left on our chunky voicemail box. "So what are you calling to rant about this time?"

There was a silent pause at the other end, "The tournament."

"Oh geez."

"Yeah," Ali said, I could tell she was fidgeting with the phone cord because of how staticky the call sounded. Neither one of us really wanted to talk about the tournament because we knew we were each cheering for someone different.

"I thought by the time you got this message the tournament would have been over but..."

"It's fine Ali, what do you want to say." I responded sitting in a chair close to the phone box.

"Y/n, I'm actually scared for Daniel. Johnny is going to beat the living shit out of him." Her voice broke as she talked.

"He is going to try."

"What the hell am I going to do y/n?" Ali took a long breathe.

"I don't think there is anything you can do, both of the guys are going to fight no matter what." There was no doubt that what she was saying wasn't true. Johnny had been training for this moment all his life.

"Never mind I have to go the tournament is in about five hours, I need to get prepared."

"Alright I'll see you there Ali." I hung up the phone and gathered the few things I forgot before heading back to Johnny's.


"Johnny Hey!" I called out to Johnny from across the parking lot of the All Valley.

"Y/n you're here." He said embracing me in a warm hug, "Came to see me win."

"Don't be so cocky." I said giving him a smile. "But yeah I did!"

He gave me a cheerful smile, I could tell he was pretty nervous and who wouldn't be. Standing up there in front of all those people to just get punched and kicked, no thank you.

"Look I got to go with the team but I'll see you in there ok?" Johnny said pointing a finger in the direction of a few other Cobra Kais.

"Yeah I'll be up front cheering the loudest." I said giving him a quick kiss on the cheek before turning away to go inside.

It was so goo to finally have our relationship out there, keeping it a secret from Ali and everyone else made me feel like I had something to worry about.

I walked into the cold building filled with people huseling all around, and getting ready for the upcoming tournament. Ali spotted me and walked over behind her was Daniel and a man I reconized as the one who had saved Daniel the night of the Halloween dance.

"Hey isn't he the one who-" I was about to ask pointing towards the man.

"Yes actually, Y/n this is Daniel's Sensei, Mr. Miyagi." Ali said not wanting to bring up the past.

"Oh," I looked to him and decided he didn't have anything against me, "Nice to meet you!" We shook hands and he smiled back at me and nodded.

He was actually a really sweet old man if he wasn't beating the crap out of you.

"Mr. Miyagi was just about to take Daniel to get ready, let's go get seats together." Ali smiled.

"Actually Ali, Johnny already gave me seats next to where he and the Cobra Kais will be." I held up the tickets a bit, one for me and two for Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence.

"Oh ok," Ali said a little shocked, I saw Daniel roll his eyes from behind her, "Well I'll see you in there then."

"Yeah totally." I waved goodbye as Ali and the other two walked back to the locker rooms.

I found my seat a got settled in putting my jacket and purse on two next to each, which were for Johnny's parents.

The All Valley is filled with people from every type of karate there is, I could tell who each section was cheering for by the different colored clothing everyone wore.

"Welcome all you karate fans to the All Valley tournament for karate!" There is a huge cheer among the crowd as the announcer finishes.

In four different openings I can see the four competing teams. Although Daniel makes five, but he is fighting by himself so I'm not totally sure if that is even considered a team.

The announcer names off each group as the come out to there team spot. I cheer as loud as I can for Cobra Kai, Johnny walks out and spots me close in the front row. He smiles and quickly returns to a stern look following the Cobra Kai in front of him.

Mrs. Lawrence turns to me, "Why isn't your friend Ali over here with us, Johnny is quite fond of her?"


Obviously she didn't know about the tragic break-up, "Ali's boyfriend is sitting over there." I said pointing to Daniel.

"You mean to tell me she is dating another karate kid?" Mrs. Lawrence half laughed half sighed, "Johnny and her were so close I thought they would get married one day."

"Alight..." I said ignoring her comments, I focused my attention on Johnny. A few small fights were going on around the center mat.

Johnny was fighting some kid from one of those low fame dojos, Johnny defeated him with ease.

The smaller fights went on for a while, but they were all leading up to one important fight, the main one.

"Alright ladies and gentlemen." The announcer said, "It's the moment you've all been waiting for, THE FINIAL MATCH!!!" A loud roar was spiked up in the audience.

"And our finalists our..." A large group of the crowd starting stomping their feet. "JOHNNY LAWRENCE AND NEW COMER DANIEL LARUSSO!!!"

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