Golf And Stuff... With Johnny?

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"Oh, you know just hanging out." I said to Johnny packing up my stuff. If I was going to like Johnny I better keep it a secret the last thing I want is to hurt Ali.

"All by yourself? Really?" Johnny said catching on to my lie.

"Look Johnny I've really got to go, my mom is probably freaking out, I didn't tell her where I was going."

"Woah woah, woah, I just got here, I'm not going to stay here all by myself like you happily were."

"Well then maybe you should just go home."

"Y/n," Johnny stopped me. "What did I ever do to you to make you not like me."

"Johnny you hurt Ali and-"

"I'm not talking about Ali, I'm talking about you y/n."

"Nothing you've been actually kind of nice, but I just can't." I said and it was true he never did anything to me, and if we are being honest Ali broke up with him.

"Give me one night, not even a night just four hours here to change your mind." Johnny said stand close to me looking down into my eyes.

"Three and a half." I argued, Ali and Daniel had to leave at eleven anyways there was no chance they would see us.

"It's a deal!" Johnny said hopping on the table, "So what should we do first, I can show you my mad mini golf skills." He held out his hand to me, I took it and hopped onto the table with him.

"Your golf skills are nothing compared to mine." I said before a worker came and shooed us off the table.


We headed to the mini golf center and started our competition.

"When I win we are going to have another fun little meet up here, and I can show you my secret hangout spot."

"Sounds a lot like a date Johnny, are you asking me out?" I said distracting Johnny from his next golf swing.

"Maybe, if you want that." He stopped before swinging and grabbed my waist.

I laughed a little before pushing out of his grip. "And when I win, you're going to give Daniel and Ali the most heartfelt apology ever it will bring a tear to my eye."

"Apologize? For what? Standing up for myself?" Johnny said acting like nothing was wrong at all.

"Johnny you beat Daniel up and broke Ali's radio, all because you saw them talking on the beach, your temper is going to get you in big trouble one day." Johnny looked at me not so friendly anymore.

"That kid deserves all that's coming for him, he's a little runt." With that Johnny took the last swing, the winning swing.

"Guess I'll be seeing you here again huh?" He said proud of his victory.

"Great job Johnny, I mean really you won a date with me."

"Oh so it is a date," Johnny started, looking happy.

"It's not a date Johnny-"

"No no no, you specifically said I've won a date with you. Don't test my memory." He said picking me up in a big hug.

"Oh yeah because it's just as great as you karate huh?" I said.

Johnny leaned in for a kiss still holding me, before I pushed him away.

"Johnny I can't..."

"Yeah I know, your best friends with Ali."

"Look I'm really sorry Johnny."

"No I should be the one apologizing," he put me down and gave me a kind glance, "it's my fault for falling for the wrong best friend."

Johnny started to leave as I stopped him.

"Wait," Johnny turned around to face me, "Friday at seven." I said.

"It's a date." Johnny said before leaving Golf and Stuff.

I looked down at my watch, 'crap it's already twelve thirty, my parents are going to kill me!'

I started running down the street until I got to my house, I look over at Johnny's house, which was completely dark except for a light on in Johnny's room.

When I got inside my house Mom was already waiting for me.

"Where the hell have you been young lady?" She yelled.

"I'm sorry Ali met up with some friends at Golf and Stuff and I wanted to wait for her-"

"Don't lie to me y/n, Ali called an hour ago asking for you." Mom looked at me with a disappointed glare, "Go up to your room your father will work out your punishment tomorrow,"

"But Mom-"

"But nothing up to your room now."

I walked up to my room and collapsed into my bed thinking about tonight, what have I gotten myself into? I have a crush on Johnny Lawrence.


The next morning I walked to school by myself, which was unusual because Ali always wanted to walk with me. Maybe she met up with Daniel or something?

"Hey sweetheart." Johnny said walking up to my locker "Looking forward to Friday."

"Johnny, I can't go Friday. I got home late and now I'm grounded all week."

"So sneak out, what your parents don't know can't hurt them." Johnny said walking away.

"Going on a date?" Ali said walking up to me.

"Ali it's not what it looks like." I said trying to cover up my tracks.

"I think it's exactly what it looks like, you're going out with Johnny the literal worst person ever."

"Ali it's not a date."

"Don't try to pull that with me!" Ali said getting super angry.

"Ali, you left me all alone at Golf and Stuff, Johnny just happened to be there."

"Yeah right, and what's your excuse for going with him on Friday? He can't make you hang out with him."

"Why is this such a big deal? You broke up with him, what did he ever do to you?"

"Y/n it's not just Johnny it's all his little Cobra Kais, they are bad news and-" Ali stopped suddenly, "You know I don't really expect you to understand, do what you want. This friendship is over!"

"What Ali, wait, I'm sorry just hear me out ok?" It was to late Ali was gone and so was my best friend.

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