Double Date

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After a good hour or so spent at the arcade the four of us went into a friendly mini golf game, well as friendly as Johnny and Daniel could get.

"Hey, what do you think will happen when the tournament rolls around?" Ali asked when we were out of hearing length of the guys.

"I've thought about it, a lot. I know after today Johnny and Daniel never speak to each other again, besides death threats."

Ali laughed and sighed, "You're right, but that's not till a while. Let's just focus on us all being friends for the moment."

We went back to join up with the guys, "Ali, you missed it I'm totally kicking Johnny's ass!" Daniel said with a smile.

"Yeah right." Johnny disagreed rolling his eyes.

I laughed and grabbed Johnny's hand, "We're are going to get some snacks." I told Ali and Daniel, walking off with Johnny.

While walking to the bar me and Johnny were talking about the up coming Halloween dance.

"The Cobra Kais are all going as skeletons." Johnny mentioned.

"Skeletons?" I tried to sound impressed, "Nice sounds scary."

"Yeah well wait till after the dance."

I looked up at him confused, "What's after the dance?" I asked.

"Every Halloween it's a scary movie marathon at my house." Johnny said looking impressed.

"Oh, is that an invitation?"

"You live with us, of course you're invited."

Shit, that's embarrassing I totally forgot about that.

"Oh hey Johnny!" A man came up to him and said.

"Dutch hey," Johnny grabbed his hand and gave him a pat on the back. To be honest Dutch, and all Johnny's Cobra Kai friends have always scared me.

Mostly Dutch.

When Ali was dating Johnny, I was left behind with all his friends, who were always hitting on me.

Ali used to tell me about strange conversations Johnny would have with them while her back was turned. I never thought much of it until Dutch took Johnny to the side.

"I'll meet up with you later!" Johnny called to me walking away with Dutch.

I walked up to the snack bar and waited for someone to come help me, I saw Johnny and Dutch out of the corner of my eye. Dutch was pretty upset shouting at Johnny, I couldn't make out what is was about though.

"Hey where's Johnny?" Ali asked when I met back up with them.

"Oh, he ran into his friend. He will be back soon." I handed Ali and Daniel some snacks and we sat down for a while.

After about an hour of sitting around waiting for Johnny, Ali said, "Let's just go, I'll drive you."

"No thanks Ali, I'll walk," I replied, "See you guys at school."

"Bye y/n," The two said in unison, walking towards Ali's car.

I walked back to Johnny's house alone, I wasn't to worried about Johnny I knew he could take care of himself. I was just confused why he left Golf and Stuff without telling me.

It wasn't till later that night that Johnny came to the house. I was already in my bed when he came in.

He peeked his head in my doorway I had my eyes shut, even though I was still awake.

He kept walking to his room, I opened my eyes.

Damn. I wanted him to come in and say one of those cute things people in the movies always say when they think someone is asleep.


"Where did you go last night?" I finally said breaking the silence in the car right to school the next morning.

"Yeah, sorry about that, I just got so caught up with everything."

That wasn't much of an excuse, but I'm not going to push an answer right now.

"Oh man I love this song!" I said reaching to turn up the radio in the car.

"Come on Johnny sing with me." I asked tapping his shoulder.

"No, I'm good."

"Fun killer." I started shouting the lyrics to Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me, by Elton John.

I looked over at Johnny started singing too. Eventually we were shouting at the top of our lungs, as the wind was flowing through the windows.

When we pulled up to school he immediately turned off the radio and stopped enjoying himself.

"Bummer." I said, Johnny got out of the car and heading into school.

What is up with that boy? Not even a good bye.

I didn't think much more of Johnny's weird behavior until last period I went to my locker in the middle of class. The halls were empty, it gave me a scare when Bobby, one of Johnny's friends approached me.

"Well look who it is." Bobby said leaning against a locker.

"Oh, hey Bobby." I went to walk back to class when Bobby stepped in front of me, "Can I help you?" I asked.

"Yeah actually there is something you can do," He stared down at me, not to far down, he was a pretty short person himself. "You can stay away from Johnny."

"Excuse me?" I said scoffing.

"There's a tournament coming, Johnny can't be focused on you instead of karate. Sensei has noticed he hasn't been focusing."

"Ok well your Sensei is whack, and I can't stay away. Currently I'm living with the guy." I started walking again when Bobby grabbed my arm.

"I'm warning you."

"Let go of me." I said calmly tugging away.

He didn't loosen his grip. "I said-"

"Let go!" Johnny came out of the passing hall way and pushed Bobby hard, making him let go of me.

Bobby was down on the ground, "Let's go y/n." Johnny said ushering me out.

"Hey I'm not done here!" Bobby said hopping to his feet, coming at Johnny ready to fight.

Johnny punched him clean in the face before he could even strike.

"Johnny!" I yelled as Bobby fell to the ground. With this some students started coming out of the classes to see what was all the noise.

Johnny took my hand and we ran down the hallway out of all the commotion.

The Other Side of the Story // Johnny LawrenceTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang