The Lawrence Family

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"Go pack the things you need for two weeks." My mom said shoeing me up to my room.

"Two weeks but you said one?"

"And I said two." My dad pulled up his last suitcase unto the dining table.

I went up to my room to start packing, there was no point in arguing my way out of this. My mom came up to my room and sat on the bed.

"I hope this isn't to startling for you." She said.

"To late for that mom, thanks for trying though. It's the 80's mom and I'm sixteen why can't I stay home by myself?"

"The Lawrence family was so kind to offer for you to stay we just couldn't refuse. Now continue packing I'll be down stairs."

It's not like I didn't want to live with Johnny for two weeks, I was just scared and living with someone when you don't even know if you're dating or not is just crazy.


The next morning my parents dropped me off at school and left for the airport with no hesitation. I was supposed to go home with Johnny after school. So that means he already knows and it's going to be one awkward school day.

"Ali do I have a lot to tell you." I came up to her ready to exploded if I didn't talk to someone about what was happening.

"Wait me first," Ali said, "And get prepared to be excided!"

"Ok what is it Ali?"

"Daniel is entering the All Valley tournament!" Ali waited for my response in an awkward silence, "Ok why aren't we cheering yet?"

"The All Valley? Against Cobra Kai? You think he is ready for that?"

"Y/n it doesn't matter as long as we are there to cheer him on he should be fine." Ali already planed for me to cheer against Johnny it seemed.

"Y/n don't worry Daniel is going to kick Johnny's ass."

"You're forgetting that one of us happens to have a thing with Johnny."

"Oh, that's still going on? I thought he would have dumped you by now. Well if not soon then he will sometime before the tournament so you can cheer for Daniel then." Ali said starting to walk off.

"Ali what is up? I thought you were okay with me and Johnny?"

"Y/n I am okay with it, but I also know Johnny and I expected him to dump you already." Ali turned back to me and sighed, "Now what did you want to talk to me about?"

"Forget it," I said disappointed Ali still had a problem. "It was just some useless gossip."

"Okay well if that is all I've got to get to class."

"Alright bye Ali," I said noticing she was already to gone to hear me.

I walked to class so confused and upset with what just happened. Why did Ali just hate on me all of a sudden? It wasn't like her.

I walked into class and Johnny immeditatly met up with me. "Why the sad face y/n?" Johnny said as we took our seats and the bell rung. Daniel walked into class and Johnny gave him a cold stare, I guess he found out about the tournament.

"We can talk about it later."

Johnny whispered to me, "Yeah at my house, tonight or tomorrow morning, we've got two whole weeks."

Crap, I thought it would go away but hearing Johnny talk about it made me even more nervous to move in.

After school I grabbed my bags from my locker and headed for Johnny's car. When I passed the corner a girl I never talked to before came up to me, "Aren't you going to be living with Johnny?"

"What? How did you? Who even are you?"

"Word gets around, make sure he shares the covers." She giggled walking away. What the heck?

"We are staying in separate beds!" I called out before she left ear shot.

"You sure that will last?" Ali said now standing infront of me. "Let me help you with those bags." She said grabbing one from me.

"Thanks Ali, so I guess you already heard?"

"Yeah I heard, word does get around really fast." We had reached Johnny's car but he wasn't around so I just set the bag down.

"You can just set that down Ali I got it from here."

"Yeah like hell you do!"


"Shut it y/n why the hell are you spending two weeks with my ex?" Ali said throwing my suitcase on the ground.

"Look Ali it wasn't my idea my parents packed up all of a sudden-"

"Yeah and I bet you jumped at the chance to sleep right down the hall from Johnny."

"Ali I had no say in this at all."

"Oh sure."

"Not all families are as perfect as yours Ali some of ours just pack up and leave their kids." After saying that I immediately regretted it, "Ali sor-"

Before I could finish Ali slapped me and stormed off. When she left I saw Daniel where she used to be, he looked at me in astonishment and said, "I'll figure out what's up." And then left me alone to pick up the clothes Ali threw on the ground.

When Johnny got to the car he drove us to his house, it was quiet the whole car right, I think he knew something was up.

Johnny parked the car in his drive way and turned to me, "Are you ok with this? I mean you can go to your house I won't tell your parents."

"No Johnny this is fine, this is actually kind of perfect, I've just had a weird day that's all."

"I understand, I'll help you with your bags."

We got inside the house and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence were there to greet us. The house was gorgeous, I mean we lived right across the street we had the same rich neighborhood, but everyone on the street knew the Lawrence's house was the biggest house.

"Welcome to our home y/n, Johnny will show you to your room, I hope you will just at home here."

"Thanks Mrs. Lawrence."

I followed Johnny up to my room, right across from his room.

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