Last Summer Party

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The first day of school was tomorrow and I was completely nervous. I had no idea why though, I had known all these kids since second grade just something about senior year changes you.

My best friend Ali had invited me to the end of summer beach party tonight, although in California summer never really ends.

*ring ring*

I went over and picked up the phone.

"Hello this is y/n."

"Hey it's Ali." A peppy girl said over the phone.

"Hey Ali what's up?"

"I just called to ask what you were wearing tonight."

"Probably my new pink bathing suit and a sweater over that with some loose jeans."

"Sounds like my plan to, hey did you hear some new kids were gonna be there tonight."

New kids? The same kids have been in our school every year, maybe I'll meet someone new?

"Really? Nice this is a perfect time to meet new people."

"I know right!" Ali sounded really excited, "Hey I got to go my mom is going crazy over here about something."

"Bye Ali talk to you tonight."

I hung up and went to my closet to find my clothes for tonight. My friends like to say 'We are popular so we need to look good at all times' although Ali didn't say things like that she never really thought about people's status, that's how I wanted to be one day.



"Mom! My ride is here I'm gonna head out!"

"Ok sweetie be careful, remember always use protection!"

"MOM! It's a beach party I'm not gonna do anything..."

"Just reminding you sweet heart, have fun."

I raced out the door and hopped in Susan's car, she had been my best friend sense fifth grade when she came to Charles Evens Middle School.

"Hey girls!" I said to the other girls in the car. "Hey y/n" they said back.

I sat in the back next to Ali, "Hey y/n you ready for some fun."

"As ready as I'll ever be."


When we got to the beach we hopped out of the car and set up a good spot for us all to sit. A little while later some guys came and started playing soccer next to us, Ali immediately locked eyes with one boy who I had never seen before.

"Ali I think he likes you, you should talk to him." I said hyping her up.

"Really you think he does? He looks new, kinda cute too."

"Go talk to him girl" Ali got up and started talking to the guy, before she could even get to her name a group of bikers rolled up and spilt them up.

"Geez here comes Cobra Kai." A girl said behind me rolling her eyes.

A blonde hopped off his bike and looked around locking eyes with me he grinned and winked at me before going up to Ali. Johnny Lawrence, Ali's ex and one of the biggest jerks around town.

I ran up to Ali for support when things seemed to get aggressive.

"I said leave me alone Johnny, we are done, can't you get over that?" Ali said as Johnny was holding her new radio.

"Put that down Johnny it's Ali's you have no right to touch her things." I butted in.

"Oh this old thing?" Johnny said throwing the radio on the ground and smashing it with his foot.

"Hey man! What's the big deal here can't you just leave her alone." The new boy, who Ali was staring at, said.

Johnny walked up to him and stared hi in the eye. "And you are you supposed to be, Ali's new play thing." Johnny said smirking as the other Cobra Kai's stared laughing. One screamed out, "Kick His Butt Johnny!"

And with that Johnny put out his fist and started for him, I ran up between them stopping what was about to happen.

"Stop it Johnny! Just leave him alone He didn't mean anything." I said looking Johnny right in the eyes.

The boy cut in, "No I did mean it, he was being a jerk to her."

Johnny pushed me to the ground making his way to the kid and kicking him right in the face.

"Yeah Go Johnny!" "Better run little boy!" Some other the boys were saying.

"Johnny that's enough leave now!" Ali said coming to the injured boy's aid.

"This isn't over, and you" he said pointing right at me "you can dream about me."

"Go screw yourself slime ball." I said, Johnny grabbing his chest pretending to cry before winking and hopping on his motorcycle followed by the others.

They drove off the beach running over Ali's crushed radio on the way.

"Hey you ok?" Ali said the boy as I came over to help him, "Can you stand."

"Yeah it's nothing." He said getting up.

I looked at him "Those boys are bad news it's better if you just stay away from them." I said concerned.

"He seemed to be pretty concentrated on you." He said motioning towards me. Ali looked at me with confusion.

"He was probably just trying to get under Ali's skin, they dated for awhile." I said trying not to make Ali worry.

"Yeah and it's not something I'm proud of," Ali said, "hey we never got your name."

"Oh I'm Daniel." he said holding out a hand to both of us, "yeah I just moved here."

"Yeah really? Where do you live up in Encino Hills?" Ali said probably hoping he lived close to her.

"Nah I settled up in... uh, uh Reseda, that's right."

"Reseda huh, that's a... nice area." Ali said trying to be humble.


After awhile we all got back into Susan's car and went to our neighborhood.

"Bye y/n see you at school."

"Cya." I said as the car pulled out.

As I went to go inside something caught my eye in the house across the street, Johnny's house.

I couldn't see clearly because curtains were drawn in front of the window, but I saw enough. An older looking man hit the figure that I presumed was Johnny, Johnny didn't hit back. That's when I knew something was up.

I ran across the street and up the stairs to there house, I rang the doorbell several times before Johnny's mom answered.

"Y/n what a surprise, what are you doing at this hour?"

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