Preparing For A Tournament

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"Well the party was a success." I called out to Johnny as I bent down picking up trash from under the bar.

"And yet it was really boring." Johnny set a bad of trash on the bar counter top, making me jump a little bit.


"All we were doing was sitting down watching a horror movie, party are supposed to be dancing and having fun." Johnny sighed hopping up to sit on the counter.

I looked up at him from where I was under the bar. I gave him a reassuring smile and continued picking up the empty red solo cups.

"What nothing to say?" Johnny asked now leaning over the side to peer down at me.

"No," I responded drawing my face closer to his, I could feel his warm breath gently on my cheek. "Parties just aren't really my thing."

"Well welcome to the Lawrence family were parties are our specialty!" He said the words in a happy manner but they left him with a slight frown.

"Stress of being popular." I said giving him and slight smile.

Johnny obviously liked my company and he went on searching for more. "So, my family being so popular and all," I rolled my eyes and laughed slightly as he said this. "We are going to the country club this weekend, you know like a family dinner. Wanna come?"

"Johnny, that sounds amazing but I'm not really your family."

"They won't mind, you're already living with us like family. Why not have dinner with us?"

He was practically bleeding now, I guess family dinners with his mom and stepdad weren't really his thing.

"I'm not really into the whole country club scene." I said still persistent.

"Well if you really hate it we can leave early. We will drive off to the hill side listening to Elton John all the way there." Johnny egged on facing me with his beautiful sparkling eyes.

"Promise." I said, sitting down next to him on the counter top, unintentionally laying my hand next to his.

"With all my heart." He whispered to me, taking my hand and putting it on his chest. His eyes started into mine almost as if he was studying them, I placed my free hand on top of his, which was holding mine.

With my hands on his chest he bent down slightly, being aware of the height difference even with both of us siting now. He removed his hands from mine and put one on either side of my face, rubbing his thumb against my check slightly.

He drew in closer and placed his lips on mine. The thought of me kissing Johnny Lawrence had never really been so important to me before. All the memories of him being a total jerk were now just memories, nothing more.

Next thing I knew we were up stairs in my bedroom holding on to each other in my bed till we both fell asleep.

The alarm clock rang sharply interrupting a good sleep.

"Oh shit-" I said in a whisper tone looking down at Johnny in the same bed as me. We were both still fully clothed, besides our shoes, but it still took me by surprise.

I hopped out of the bed and turned off the alarm, I hurried as fast as I could out of the room and into the bathroom connecting on to it. Johnny walked in lazily and caught me in the middle of brushing my teeth.

"Good morning." He said rubbing his eyes as he continued on his way to his room. I just nodded and went back to brushing.

Was I crazy? Why was Johnny acting so normal when we had just spent the night together? Maybe I was the one over reacting we were seniors after all this stuff happens all the time.

At least we didn't-

I stopped my train of thought when I rinsed out my mouth and went back towards my room to change out of the old clothes.

I was about to undress when I heard a knock at the door and quickly covered back up. Johnny walked in not waiting to here my come in.

"Hey I wanted to talk." He said resting up against the doorframe.

"Yeah, we probably should." I agreed not really wanting to in to what had just happened though.

"So about the tournament-"

"The tournament?" I cut him off, why was he talking about that, had he just forgotten what went down? Or maybe he didn't really care,

"Yeah," Johnny stated like it was a known thing, "It's coming up in a few weeks and I really want you to be there."

I walked out of the closet I had been trying to change in, still in the clothes from last night. "Of course I'll be there, we are in this together."

"I mean, I want you right up front." He said holding out a ticket for what looked like to be for one of the very front seats.

"Oh my gosh Johnny! That's amazing, of course I'll do it." I still didn't fully understand the thrill with karate but Johnny was really excited and that's what truly mattered.

A/N Sorry this chapter was kind of short, I might be taking a break just because some one I know I know is going through a lot right now and I need to be there for her. But ever chance I get I will work on the book.

Hope you are enjoying it so far! If you have any comments I would love to hear them!


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