Chapter 30 - Slytherin vs Gryffindor

Start from the beginning

"Celeste, wait!" I heard Fred call after me, but I carried on hastily down the corridor.

"Celeste stop!" he shouted. The temper in his voice, shocked my system and my feet stopped beneath me, as I turned to look at him. Tears puddled more and I couldn't even comprehend how embarrassed I was.

"What the fuck was that?" he shouted again. The tears forced themselves from their ducts and spilled down my flushed cheeks.

"Can't you see he's done this on purpose" I sobbed, looking up at his face contorted in anger and confusion.

"Why did he even have those?" he asked, his eyes darted down to the hem of my skirt. It dawned on me what he was thinking and I clapped my hand over my mouth.

"They're not the ones I was wearing today!" I shrieked.

"Alright alright, but you didn't answer my question" Fred's voice was a little lower and he was no longer shouting but his frustration in his voice remained the same.

"They were from that night. He walked off with them before I could stop him" I explained. I couldn't even hide the pleading tone of my voice as it trembled, begging for him to believe me.

"That prick" Fred muttered, shaking his head.

"What did Flint say to you, why were you there?"

"He said he had something he needed to show me, that it was important for the match tomorrow." Fred explained, "Look, I haven't asked before and truthfully, I still don't think I want to know but I feel like I have to ask now..."

"Go on?" I pressed.

"How did it even happen?" Fred sighed. His eyes bore into mine and I knew from his pained expression it was something that had been playing on his mind since it I'd told him about me and Draco. Even though he didn't say the words I knew exactly what he'd meant and I'd had the sinking feeling it was something he'd eventually ask.

I took his hand and walked us out to the courtyard to sit on a bench. I wanted to be somewhere quiet, because honestly I didn't want other people to know. The thought that Draco may have told his friends what we did together even send my stomach into somersaults.

I sat beside him, keeping his hand in mine and squeezing it gently. I explained how I had gone to see him, to give him his tie back after Draco had used it as Port key for his party, that I had felt so guilty and I was going to tell him about me and Draco. I even told him how I had wanted to be honest then and there, that maybe we could have worked through it, but Draco had stopped me from going. Fred sat quietly, looking into my face intently as he listened. I spared him the lewd details of my time spent with Draco that evening but explained that as he knew, we'd slept together in the Divination Classroom, he'd pocketed my underwear and walked off with it.

Fred sat in silence for a minute before getting to his feet, his fists balled tightly at his sides.

"I'm going to fucking kill him" he grunted, heading towards the archway that lead out of the courtyard.

"No you are not!" I cried, getting to my feet, "Don't you see that's what they want? They did this on purpose to wind you up before the match tomorrow"

Fred stopped and looked thoughtful for a moment. He reluctantly retreated back to where we'd been sat.

"As much as I want to see that boy get everything he deserve, if you do something they won't let you play tomorrow. You can't let the others down" I said, cupping his face in my hands to steady him.

"You're right" he huffed, sarcastically.

"I know I am" I said, letting a smirk spread across my lips. I got on tip toes and planted a thoughtful kiss on his flushed lips. He kissed me back, wrapping his hands around the back of my head to bring me closer to him.

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