The Risk of Isolation.

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Charlie walked to the kitchen to get herself water. She hissed as she tried to stand straight. Mrs. Atkinson, who was already in the kitchen turned around to see Charlie and rushed to her side, "Miss McGill, why did you get up from the bed? You could have asked me to bring you whatever you need." She said as she held Charlie by her arm and her back and lead her to the living room. Charlie heaved a sigh. She doesn't remember how many times she had asked Mrs. Atkinson to call her by her first name but she always calls her Ms. McGill – it makes her feel pretentious. She is not used to luxuries, it was getting a little too much for her, but Marcus insists on keeping Mrs. Atkinson, who works for Marcus now, at Charlie's place until she gets better. "Mrs. Atkinson, please call me Charlie." She requested humbly as she sat on the couch. Mrs. Atkinson chuckled and playfully slapped her forehead, "Oh, my apologies, Charlie – I always forget." She said to her.

"It is fine, Mrs. Atkinson. May I ask what is your first name? You have been here for two weeks now, and see how reckless I can be, I didn't even ask for your first name yet." She bit her tongue. Mrs. Atkinson laughed, "Oh, it is okay, love. My name is Julia." She replied. Charlie grinned, "I love your name. Can I call you Julia?" She asked. Julia smiled in return and nodded her head, "Of course you can, Charlie." She nodded her head. Julia looked towards the kitchen, "I need to check on the soup. Shall I bring you some water?" She asked. Charlie nodded her head, "That would be great. Thank you," Charlie replied and Julia went to the kitchen. Charlie saw her walk away as she sighed and leaned back on the couch. Charlie was getting better, but she was still on bed rest and she was hating it. It has been so long since she had spent a long time with Kathie. She tried to ask Marcus to leave Kathie to her for a day while he goes to work but he simply refused. Not because he doesn't trust me with her but because when once they were visiting, Kathie mistakenly jumped on my wound and now Marcus would supervise her whenever she is around Charlie. It is like Marcus is walking on the eggshells – making sure Charlie doesn't get hurt in any way.

Julia walked out with Charlie's water and handed her the glass. Charlie thanked her and Julia once again and went back into the kitchen. Julia Atkinson is a middle-aged woman. She told me that she had previously worked for Owen and Ruby Harrison, Marcus's parents. After Penelope, Marcus would not trust anyone around Kathie, Charlie, or him. He would not hire a single help up to the point that all the work at home and office was taking a toll on him. Finally, somehow Silas was about to force Marcus to hire Mrs. Atkinson – but that didn't stop Marcus from being skeptical. Unlike Penny, he would not talk to her. He doesn't even know her real name. He would always keep an eye on her when she is around Kathie. It took him time to adjust around her. After months of her working for him did he feel at ease to let Charlie stay alone with Julia. The trust that so hardly came to Marcus was once again shaken and it was bothering Charlie the most, she doesn't know how long before he would start doubting her as well.

Marcus and Silas were in Silas's office while they were discussing something about some records that their father had asked them to go through. Even though Marcus had left the company, he was still needed their and since he always brings Kathie with him everywhere, he had brought her with him to Silas's office. She sat on the floor playing with some paper balls Silas gave her while her toys were resting beside her. She was being cranky and needed everything that was on Silas's desk – especially the stapler, so to divert her attention, he handed her the crumpled balls make of papers to occupy her and it works – kids do love everything but their toys, no matter how many you get them.

When they were supposed to be completely focused on the job that was assigned to them by their father, Marcus couldn't completely focus on it. He would keep glancing at Kathie – making sure she was alright even when she was in the same room as Marcus. "Dad said that you handled the project back in 2011. He said the lawyers require the documents by the end of this week. Did you find the forward contracts?" Silas asked his brother while his eyes were on the screen of his laptop. He had already assigned his assistant to gather some other data so, this was to be done by Marcus and Silas themselves. When Silas didn't get the answer from Marcus – he looked at him to see Marcus looking at Kathie, who was too busy playing with the paper balls. Silas heaved a sigh, "It is all happening again, Marcus." He said to him. Marcus averted his eyes back on his brother, "Sorry, what?" He asked.

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