His eyes widened and he turned and faced the flowers again.

"You know, I think we'll be very good friends Scorp," I said with a soft smile, looking at the carvings.

He looked up. "I think so too."

I laughed. "Bestfriends. My parents were bestfriends here, so now you got to be my bestfriend," I said, turning to him with a smirk.

He had a nice smile on his face that made me feel giddy.

"Well if we're bestfriends Arabella, we need code names."

My eyes widened. "My parents made a code name for this place. They called it piccola alcova! It's little alcove in Italian."

He laughed. "Perfect! Now code names for each other."

I raised a brow. "Okay...let me think..."

I thought for a good moment. What could I call him.

"Wait, before anything else, if it's in a different language or something, we must not tell each other what it means. We'll have to find out what it is over time," I said.

He nodded. "I like that."

I smiled and went back to thinking. What could I say in Irish maybe?

"Scorpius I got mine!" I exclaimed eagerly. He smiled.

"Me too. What's yours?" he asked.

I smirked. "Buachaill leannán airgid."

Buachaill meant money in Irish, but I meant it as silver, for his eyes.

He looked at me. "I have no idea what that even means," he mumbled.

I laughed. "Your turn!"

He smirked. "Puella pulchra."

"What?" I asked confused.

We both stared at each other and then laughed.

"This might take years to find out for us," He laughed. I nodded.

"Hey let's eat some candy," I said.

He grabbed the bag and opened it. I grabbed a chocolate frog, and he grabbed a sugar quill.

We continued to talk and joke around. I was having a lot of fun. He really wasn't that bad to hang around. It was nice.

"Hey look, the sun's going down," I said, pointing to the sky.

Scorpius looked over and we both watched as it slowly set.

I stuffed another frog in my mouth, and Scorpius looked over and burst out laughing.

I smiled. "What?!"

He snickered. "You have chocolate on your face!"

I blushed. "We didn't bring any napkins! Oh jeez-"

He cut me off by cupping my chin, and wiping the chocolate off with his thumb from under my lip.

I felt extremely nervous, and I definately knew my face was tomato red.

He looked at me and smiled. He slowly let go, and we turned to face the sunset again.

It was quite awkward. I wasn't fully expecting him to do that...

"So uh, did you know we're playing each other for our first game?" he asked, breaking the silence.

I shook my head. "Nope. Now I do though. How fast can you catch the snitch?"

"Well if I'm focused, a good 4 or more minutes of chasing."

My eyes widened. Ours took like 5 minutes...

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