No one's POV

"We all saw you Todoroki!" Uraraka yells angrily points a finger at the boy. He puts his hands up defensively, trying his hardest to understand why they would accuse him of such a thing. "I would never hurt her like that" Todoroki stands his ground, getting more annoyed by the second. "Bullshit! We were all there you bastard!" Bakugo shouts slamming his hands down on the desk in anger. "Not because of you, SHES GONE!" Smoke pours from the blond's hands as his temper rises and his patience shortens.
"W-wait Kacchan... that's a little unfair..." Deku interrupts. "SHUT UP YOU DAMN DEKU! BECAUSE OF THIS ICY HOT BASTARD THE ONE GIRL THAT ACTUALLY HAD THE GUTS TO STAND UP TO ME- OF ALL PEOPLE- IS GONE" People were shocked to hear this but still understood why he was so upset. "She's... gone?" Jiro sighs and plays with her headphones "Aizawa came in this morning looking awful... he said y/n never came home last night. We're all to stay here, for the time being. Present Mic is freaking out"
"I assure you that what you saw that night was incorrect" The gears in Todoroki's head turn and he starts thinking out loud. "Is this the reason I can not recall what happened last night?..." Everyone looks at him strangely as he puts his hand on his chin in deep thought. "What the hell do you mean you can't remember what happened last night?!" Bakugo continues to tell in anger. "Last night... all I can recall is going to pick y/n up... dancing to a single song then getting a drink. Then waking up in my room"
"That's super weird!" Kirishima speaks up.
"So... that wasn't you at the dance?" Kaminari talks for the first time sounding less peppy than usual. Todoroki shakes his head.
The door to the classroom suddenly opens to see pro hero Vlad King in his usual hero costume. "Todoroki Shoto, please come with me"


"Come on slowpoke, he ain't gonna wait all day for your slow ass" Dabi holds open the door tall metal for me. I step into the room and see an unknown woman standing in the middle of a sparing mat. She had long white hair to her mid-thigh, large tinted goggles covering her eyes and she looked to be in a black and grey catsuit. Her most noticeable feature was the long jagged scar across her neck, jaw, and cheek. "Hello darling, my name's Nav" she smiles brightly at me. "I'm here to assess you!" She puts her hands on her hips and Dabi pushes me lightly towards her. "Ah... Dabi... what is this for?" I look back at him and he just smirks. "Your assessment for your new suit of course"
"Wait I'm getting a suit?" He chuckles. "There's no way we're letting you fight in your old thing. It was depressing" I guess we're changing everything... "Alright girlie, don't hold back ok?" Nav gives me a nod as she bends her knees and holds her fists up to me. "Got it" I whisper feeling the all too familiar chill go up to my spine. I attempt to call Xao to my side but he doesn't come. I'm caught off guard when Nav suddenly lurches forward and lands a punch to my stomach. I fall to the ground with a groan and the woman laughs. "Come on! That was pathetic" My limbs tingle and I turn myself transparent to walk behind her. I throw a punch at her back when she suddenly turns around and catches my fist. I gasp and look up at her to see her scar glowing a bright blue. "Eighth sense" Eighth? She chuckles and kicks my stomach making me fall to the floor. "You rely too much on your abilities" she walks over to the door and grabs a water bottle out of a small backpack. I get back to my feet coughing a little holding my stomach. She turns around and chucks the bottle at me. "C'mon, eight more times!"


No one's POV

The pro took the concerned boy to a basement room of the school where he could hear the loud arguing of many people at once. "WELL, WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN SHE JUST VANISHED?" Todoroki recognized the voice of his teacher Aizawa. "The security footage shows her running to the baxon hiking trail but when we searched the trail... all we found was this" The two walk into the room to see pro heroes and police standing around a table of evidence and tapes.
The officer hands over an evidence bag with the red and white rose corsage he had given y/n just the night before. The boy stood there frozen as he watched Aizawa take the bag in his hands carefully. It was then that he noticed Present Mic in a chair on the other side of the table. He stands up slamming his hands on the table "THAT'S IT?" Everyone was shocked by his outburst. He never seemed like the type to get truly angry. "There were no signs of a struggle of any kind... although we did find more sets of footprints we ultimately ruled out the possibility of a second party because this is a hiking trail, after all, we don't know how many people walked this trail in the past few days" The loud pro hero sighs in defeat and slumps back in his chair covering his mouth with his hand visibly upset. Aizawa scratches the back of his neck in distress moving in circles. "This is all my fault..." He collapses in a chair against the wall and places his head in his hands. "I shouldn't... I shouldn't have been so hard on her... she would still be here" Even with the audible voice cracks, he doesn't allow himself to cry. Especially not in front of pro heroes and cops. Present Mic jumps from his chair to kneel in front of his distressed partner. "Hey... sho, don't you dare blame yourself. No one could have known this was going to happen" He places his hand on his partner's face forcing a small smile. "We're going to find her" Aizawa places his hand on his and nods his head before locking eyes with Todoroki. "You were the last person to see her. What the hell happened"

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