Chapter 14 - Fuck You

Start from the beginning

"Jesus woman calm down." He laughs pushing my shoulders so that my back hit the cold wall behind me. My eyes refusing to blink as new worries ran along my head, I stared straight in front of me hoping to find the answers to a million questions to no avail. "You are not injured, Jon is not injured. Live for the now, Live for the moment." He winked using a Hardy quote on me, he knew I loved the Hardy's, especially Jeff he was my childhood crush in wrestling.

"Stace everything alright?" I hear, I glance casually to my left and saw Jon walking over to me, his eyebrows furrowed with worried as he saw the look on my face. He was dressed and ready for his match tonight. He glances over to Joel, a smile growing on his lips. 

"Ah Ambrose we finally meet." Joel grinned extending his hand to Jon who gladly accepted. It was no secret I told both of these men about everything about each other. Joel was a huge advocate for Jon and I to get together, something Jon knew about and appreciated greatly. They would have met earlier at my leaving party for ROH but Jon had skipped out after finding out I was with Tyson.

"Joel right?" Jon smirked as the pair looked at each other like they already knew one another and that was thanks to me. I looked between the two as Joel nodded his head, the pair were turned to one another, completely forgetting I was there. "Hows things going down at NXT?" 

"Great, I was actually talking to Hunter earlier and it won't be long before I hit the main roster." Joel nods 

"That's awesome, I can't wait to get in the ring with you. It'll be interesting." 

"Likewise, you have a unique skill I like it." 

"Thank you. No one has ever said that to be before but I love a good brawl." 

"That you do, I've seen your CZW days man, brutal." Joel nods wide eyed. He wasn't joking they were brutal. I never actually watched a Jon Moxley match as I didn't know what to expect but Joel and AJ convinced me one night and we watched a match where Jon was completely busted up in his match against Brain Damage and there was chainsaws involved, chainsaws, like he willingly put himself through that for the sake of entertainment. It was like a horror film, I sat with my hands over my eyes most of the match. 

"I would love to go back to those days man, much more freeing and real." Jon replied causing me eyes to go wide. Was he joking? I was about to ask when Sara walked past nodding her head for me to follow her, a serious look on her face. I looked between the two guys in front of me before rolling my eyes, they wouldn't even notice if I leave. So I slipped away following Sara down the hallway glancing back and sure enough, the pair were still chatting away neither of them noticing my disappearance. 

"What's up?" I asked Sara as I jogged up to meet her. 

"Nothing, just wanted your company and it looked like you needed an out." She grins at me, her brown eyes staring into mine as we made our way into the female locker room. "I'm kinda sick of the Total Diva girls right now and I need some down time so you wanna grab a drink after the show? Please say yes." 

"Yeah sure, I'll have to tell Jon though." 

"Boo boo will live. He gets you all to himself now." She chuckles as she pulls out her outfit for her contract signing tonight for her Survivor Series match against Charlotte. "How are you guys?" 

"Fine." I tell her flatly as I shot AJ a quick message. I felt Sara's eyes on me and when I looked up she was giving me a tell me look but I really didn't mean for it to come out like Jon and I had a problem, I was just preoccupied replying to AJ.  "We are fine." 

"Don't bullshit me. Do you think you moved to fast moving in with him again?" 

"What, no? Do you think it was too soon?" I asked wide eyed. "I mean I know we only got back together but it feels right. I mean why would we put it off when it just makes sense to us. Also we are not even home that much and are practically side by side everyday because of work anyway. So why waste anymore time?We already lost a year and we both know what we want and that's each other." 

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