20: Back To the Past. 2

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Amelia runs back to their tent and took her phone. She immediately dialed Matthew and informed him about what had happened.

"WHAT?!" Matthew yelled on the phone and quickly hangs the call. Amelia was hyperventilating from nervousness. Her hands were stiff, feeling guilty about what happened.

When the ambulance arrived, they took Darling and rushed her to the hospital, but she was reported dead on arrival. Amelia, Henry, Lucas, and Matthew were in the hospital. Everyone was looking weary, disappointed, in pain, and drained.

Matthew grabs Lucas's collar and pins him to the wall. His eyes were vicious and dark. "Because of you! Because of you, Lucas! She died! My only cousin died!"

Lucas was silent. He didn't even react and just let Matthew punch him on his cheek. He accidentally bled his lip, and he fell on his knees like he wasn't on himself anymore. He was just staring in nowhere.

"Guys, please stop! No one's fault is this! It was an accident. We can't blame one another!" Amelia yelled at them and all of them looks at her with a frown.

"YOU WERE WITH DARLING, HOW COME IT'S AN ACCIDENT WHEN YOU TWO COULD SAVE HER, YOU KNOW SHE CAN'T SWIM AND YOU LET HER SWIM!! SCREW YOU ALL!" Matthew shouted, alternating his looks to the three of them. Amelia bowed her head. Lucas stayed on the floor, and Henry looked away.

"I'm out of here! THIS FRIENDSHIP IS OVER!" Matthew turns his back and walked away, taking huge steps.

Lucas started sobbing again. He covered his face with his hand and hit himself. Amelia came toward him and pats his shoulder, calming him down. When Henry saw her beside Lucas, he rolled his eyes in exasperation and left them.


After that incident, a month passed, and the four of them cut their communication with one another. They separate ways and start a new life without them. Amelia gave Henry his reward. They were in a relationship for a month now, yet Amelia's heart still longed for Lucas.

Amelia left a note on the side table informing Henry that she'll go home. Before she left the room, she glances at him, which is now sleeping peacefully on the bed. She left in the middle of the night. She places her hands in her pocket to warm her hands from the chilly night.

Amelia went to a bar to take a drink, and she was surprised to see Lucas on the counter very plastered. "Lucas? What are you doing here?"

"I'm drinking duh!" he rolled his eyes and fell his face on the table. He groans in pain and mumbles words. Amelia paid for his drinks and she wraps his arms around her shoulder as she escorted him to get out of the bar.

She arrived at her apartment and place Lucas on her bed. She took his shoes off and covered him with a blanket.

After she changes her clothes, she lay beside him. Amelia stared at him, surveying every detail of his face. Her lips curve as she felt satisfaction that one of her dreams came true, to be alone with Lucas in a room.

Suddenly Lucas wrapped his arm around her waist and stole her a kiss that makes Amelia's eyes wide open. She wanted to push him, but her body was responding to Lucas's touch and she couldn't help but kiss him back.

The kiss was deep and passionate. His hands trailed down to her body, and the tickling part turns into pleasure. "Darling..." Lucas whispered, which makes Amelia's brows furrow.

The night was deep; the room was cozy and dim. Both of them were pleasured by each other's sensation, copulating with one another with their affections towards each other.

Subsequently, the sun rises and the first rays of sunlight lit up the room. Amelia moans as she stretches her body and rubs her eyes. She was about to wake Lucas, but then she felt an empty cold sheet beside her. She took the letter from the table and read it in her mind.

'I made a mistake again' she sighed heavily and lay back on her bed.


Matthew stayed in his bed as the light touches his room, the sunlight crossed his eyes which makes him stand up. He faces his side and stares at the letter Darling left him before she passed away.

'Matt! I'll go with Lucas today. Please don't tell mom and dad about it. Cover me up, please. I'll treat you for an entire week, I promise! And there is something I want to tell you too, about Lucas and I, we've been hiding our relationship for so long and I'm so sorry for not telling you, huhu you can punish me when I got home hehe byeeee!'

He felt mixed emotions after he read her last message. Matthew couldn't accept that Darling was gone. His tears burst early in the morning. Weeping for her cousin.

In the last few months, Matthew went abroad for his work. Henry was helping his father with their business too, and Lucas was still the same, but Amelia was there for him, accompanying him wherever he goes.


The following day Amelia felt discomfort and instantly went to the bathroom to vomit. She was feeling nausea; she fell to her knees and her heart beat faster. 'No, this can't be,' she thought to herself.

She went to the doctor for a check-up, and from that day on she was pregnant with Lucas's child. Her lips curved from happiness, a smug smile from her.

She went to Lucas's apartment and inform him about it, but Lucas didn't react to anything.

"Lucas, I repeat, I'm pregnant with your child" Lucas stayed his gaze on the window, observing the city lights, and continued drinking.

"So what will I do with that? Marry you?"

"Yes! Marry me"

Lucas glanced at her with a weary look. He came closer to her and looks down at her belly.

"Alright, but remember, I'm marrying you for the sake of my child. Darling is still the one I love," he turns his back on her and went back to his seat, and continued his drink.

Amelia was left standing in there, devastated about what he said. A tear fell from her eyes and smiled bitterly.


She turns her back on him and opens the door, but then suddenly she was surprised to see Henry leaning on the wall while his arms were crossed against his chest as he narrowed his eyes at her.


"I'm just fooling myself to you, anyway congratulations," he smirked in despondence.


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