Chapter 1

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London's POV
        As my alarm went off all I could think of was my mother is crazy. I currently live in my mothers house in Beverly Hills don't get me wrong I love living here but I would rather live on my own. My mother has our alarms set for 6:30 in the morning. I know right why so early. Well every day we shoot for her show  "The Masons ". Basically our camera crew fallows us around all day and films us. I hate realityTV, but I don't have a choice. I'm not a fan of cameras watching me on my every move but you get used to it I guess. I have been in this show since I was a baby, that's right our show has been on for more than 23 years. I'm happy my other sibling are a part of it but they love it. Don't tell them I said this but they are attention whores. I also notice my nieces and nephews don't mind a camera in their faces either. Which is a good thing because Ethel are all really young but at they same time I don't think they know exactly what's going on.

      After thinking to myself for a good 20 minutes I heard my door open. Can I get no privacy in the house? What is I was changing? "Rise and shine sweet heart your step father made breakfast and we are already shooting. So get up, shower, get ready, and come join us down stairs." My mother said to me. My mother is Lillian Mason, she is a realityTV start and one of the biggest models in the world. My step dad on the other hand is a landscape guy I guess he comes up with the building designs for the city. Once I got up and got around I went down stair and I almost have to act fake around the cameras. So I put on a fake smile and walked over to the table and started eating. "Honey your just now starting your model career don't eat to much." My mother says no me placing one pancake, one egg, and two pieces of bacon on my plate. I love food and it's physically being taken away from me. My mother is lucky I love my job.

       " Hey what do you say You, Cammy, and I all go to the beach today that would be fun." My older sister Maggie said to me with a big smile. I love all my siblings to death but Maggie and I have a different bond it's like she's my rock and I can go to her for anything. "Yeah that sounds fun but after my photoshoot for Monday." I answered back. Monday is one of the biggest bathing suit companies in California. I would be lying is I wasn't scared to death. It's almost intimidating, like what if I'm not good enough?  Or what if I mess up? There are so many thing going through my head right now it's not even funny.

      After my photoshoot I met my sister at the Venice  City Beach right next to our house. As soon as my niece Camron saw me she started running to me. "Hey buttercup, let's go over to mommy before you get in trouble for running away." I said as I picked her up and placed her on my hip. "Honey what did I say about running off. It's not safe." Maggie said taking Cameron from me. "I'm sorry." Camron said hugging her mom.

      As soon as we got our drinks and sat down my sister started talking. " So how did your first Monday shoot go?" She said with a smile. " It went okay I mean I'm not angry with it. The company director stoped me while I was leaving and told me to let lose next time and not be so scared." I said looking at Camron as she played in the sand. "Hey don't let you stress get to you. You doctor said try not to get to stressed or you'll have another episode." She said. When I was in collage I used to get so stressed out I would have bad panic attacks and I would have trouble breathing. When I went to see my doctor he gave me a inhaler and told me to take it easy I haven't had a episode in 3 months which is okay I guess. "Yeah I know I'm trying." I said with a smile.

       "So have you talked to dad?" I asked. "Not since his birthday. You know how mom is she would flip if she found out we speak to him." Maggie said laughing at the end. It's not that my dad is a bad person my mom just doesn't like the fact that he lives in his home country doing what he loves when he should be here taking care of us. Our father is Greg Conners he is from London but he came here, met our mother. Than all hell broke lose he told our mom he wanted to move back to the U.K to be closer to our grandparents but she didn't approve. We haven't seen our dad in 2 years and it kinda hurts. " I miss him I talked to him yesterday he said that he was gonna send me my birthday present in a week. I kinda hoped it would be him, but that's to good to be true." I said as a tear rolled down my face.

" Hey its gonna be okay. Mom is mom she will come around at some point." Maggie said wiping away my tear. " I know it's just dads a adult he should have to go after his ex wife's rules. I mean we are his children to and I would love to see him for my big 21." I said. " I know just give it time." All I did was give her a unforgiving look. " Okay moving on. You have a boyfriend yet?" She asked with a smile. " for the 100th time I'm not looking for a relationship. After my high school relationship I kinda lost interest in love. Brandon was a good example on why not to trust boys. I don't wanna go through that again." I said a bit annoyed because I hate talking about this.

      " Oh come on London. We both know that high school relationships normally don't work out in the first place. Your older now and relationships are worth trying. I mean I said the same exact thing than I met Colin, had a beautiful little girl and we are happy." She said with a smile. " I'm fine as I am, I don't need someone to make me happy. I promise I'm okay." I said. The next few hours with my sister and Camron where fun. It was nice to get out and have to worry about camera's in our facing or photo shoots, and most of all our mother. We love her but sometimes she can be a bit much.

      Once I got home the one thing I wanted to do was FaceTime my dad so that's exactly what I did. All I kept say was please pic up and finally after a good five minutes he finally answered. "Hey princess how's it going?" He asked waving at me. " It's going good I had my Monday shoot today that went good. Maggie, Cam and I went to the beach for a good five hours. Than I came home shot some with mom and now I'm here." I said with a smile. " Wow busy day don't get to worked up. So I got some news." Before he could speak anymore interrupted him. "Your coming to America to see us." I asked excited. "Sadly no, I'm really sorry. I was going to say that your birthday present was wasn't out this morning." He said.
     As much as it makes me upset that I don't get to see my dad it makes me happy that he cares enough to send me something. "Thank you dad, it means a lot all mom wants is a huge party for me. But I'll probably just end up going out with some friends I don't need a huge party." I said with a smile. " Do what you want. I get that you don't want a bug party I mean you aren't 16 anymore." He said with a little chuckle at the end. " So how have you and Cary been." Cary is my dad wife they have been married for 8 years and she is really nice even to us knowing the face she's never even met us. " We are amazing I have some well deserved time off of work so making every moment a new memory." My dad said. "That's amazing dad. You know you should talk to Mike and Maggie you grand babies aren't getting any younger." I said showing him my backgrounder me and my nephew Nick. " Oh I know they aren't but every time I call no one answers." Honesty that doesn't surprise me.

     My siblings where the a big fan of our father because he left us. In a way mom didn't really want him anymore if she did we would be with him right now. "Hey dad I need some advice." I said. "Sure what is it." He answered. " I'm looking at apartments for myself but I can't find any." I said with a frown. " Okay you need to look for the one that soots you. I'm sure there is one out there. You also need to talk to your mom about this." He said. "I know dad and thank you." My dad and I talked for a while and just had a laugh together it was good to talk to him. I'm sure he feels the same he probably thinks none of his other kids care about him anymore. I kinda feel bad for him in a way.

        As soon as my dad and I got off the phone I got ready for bed. Before I could go to bed I had to look at places to live. After a good hour of looking I found two amazing apartments. One has two bed and two baths and the other has one bed, two baths. I put a offer in on both just in case one doesn't meet my standards. I was happy with my choice, I don't know how much longer I can live with my mother and her husband. It's all up to my 16 year old brother Drew to put up with her now. Finally I could lay back and go to sleep and I didn't have to worry about anything. Until the next day where I had to repeat everything all over again.

Hi! There is the first part of my story I hope you liked it. I just kinda came up with this out of no where but I have always loved to write so yeah! 🥰

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