Chapter 1

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It was a cold december day,while I was sitting by my window,with a warm cup of hot cocoa staring at the magical view outside.I know you're probably imagining me in a soft light brown cardigan and fuzzy socks,but I hate to break it to you...that's not really how the daughter of The Russian Mafia's leader dresses like.

I was wearing a long black Versace dress with shoulder sleeves that went down to my ankles,heavy earrings and as always,my long black hair tied back in a low ponytail.Proffessional yet elegant.I know,perfect outfit to enjoy that drink in,but I had to attend an event with my father in a few hours.

I know,perfect outfit to enjoy that drink in,but I had to attend an event with my father in a few hours

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I was enjoying that peaceful moment a lot,it seemed too good to be true.Yes,too good to be true...something is wrong.I heard a slight sound from across my enormous room.A step on my right. Someone touching the smooth surface of a gun. Ah,there it was! My mug fell on the floor as I grabbed my Beretta 92 (gun)
from the strap on my thigh,to fastly turn around and hit the man on my right precisely on his forehead,then use his now dead body as a shield from the bullets coming from the 3 men across the room.

How did they find me?How did they pass security? Something is going on...

I pushed the dead man aside and shot all three of the armed men who were 'slowly' trying to sorround me which made me question their moves.They seemed like they weren't trying to kill me, probably a kidnapping.Who sent them?

How the fuck haven't they realized yet who they're dealing with?
And no,I don't mean : The Daughter of Sergei Vankov, The Russian Mafia's leader.
I mean : Anastasya Vankov.Samyy opasnyy ubiytsa v mire. (The most dangerous assassin in the world.)

As I was brushing the dust off of my dress,which suprisingly was perfectly fine,a hand covers my mouth.

I grabbed his hand,twisted it on my left as I kicked his knee and directed my gun right in between his eyes.

'who sent you?'

'who do you think sent me?'

I know I have a lot of enemies and there are so many people in this world who want me dead,but most of them are still looking for me or if they had found me,they haven't made it past security.

They were good,I'll give them that.

I then dropped my gun and grabbed a knife which I was planning on putting on the strap in my thigh,until someone interupted me, and as he was still on his knees,I said:

'tell me who sent you and your death will be less painful'

'show me what you got dorogoy ' (darling)

I could see the fear in his eyes even though he did a great job trying to look fearless. I looked at the Michael Kors golden watch on my wrist and ugh,I don't have time for this.

'you're lucky' - I said as I slowly and carefully slit his throat open,trying not to splash blood on my dress.

Did I have background music while doing this?Yes.
What song? His pain.

Hey,sorry this chapter was so short,but I promise others will be longer and better.
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