Chp.7 Angelo Katagiri:Water Neckalace Pt.4

Start from the beginning

Angelo: Her...she's a weird one, she somehow knows Josie for some reason, is she a stand user too? Ha! We'll see about that now!

Meanwhile, Jocelyn was outside of the house as she notices footprints on the ground...

Jocelyn: Bastard has been sniffing around right under our noses. Still, he hasn't made his move on us in 4 days. But why? What the hell he's waiting for?! Tch. I can't even focus the fact it's raining already....raining...raining?! Wait, then that means...

Jocelyn knew something, if it was raining outside...then that means Angelo's stand, Water Necklace is able to move around outside as well due to the rain, and also...she can feel something behind her was Water Necklace!

Water Necklace: Gotcha!!

Star Platinum: ORAAA!!!

With quickness, Jocelyn summons Star Platinum, giving Water Necklace a punch to the face as he sends him splatting to the wall...

Water Necklace: Interesting! I knew you were a weird one, but didn't think you can be a stand user! Ha, no matter! My moment has finally arrive! Now that I've taken care of that bastard (YN) for good, now I'm coming for you, Josie and her hot mom, and this house will belong to me! And thanks to this rain, you will not go anywhere!

Jocelyn: You what?!

Angelo laughs as he then goes inside the house...

Jocelyn: No! He didn't...(YN)! Angelo, you bastard!

Jocelyn started rushing inside the house, as for Josie, she seem to be rushing too as she jumps of the stairs, lands on the ground and heads over to the kitchen as Jocelyn arrives inside and finds Josie in the kitchen..

Jocelyn: Josie!

Josie: Damn it! By the looks of things, he got all this boiling water on for some reason. He even got the hot water on as well!

Jocelyn: To make things worse, his stand is in the house. Turns out he hasn't been waiting for us to drink water, he's been waiting for the rain! His stand can move anywhere in the rain. can also change to liquid and vapor too!

Suddenly, a huge amount of water vape started to surround Josie as the face appears to be Water Necklace...

Jocelyn: Josie behind you!

Josie quickly summons Crazy Diamond and grabs a bottle...


Josie tried to use Crazy Diamond to punch Water Necklace and rearrange him again back inside the bottle, but it didn't work...

Josie: Damn it! It just got lot of difficult. We can't catch him in the bottle anymore!

Jocelyn: For now stay away from any steam and protect your lungs, the priority here is fettinf out of hand!

Josie: I guess we don't have a choice then! I'm really concern of the Josie being leaking as well from the roof! We'll be sitting dust outside if we leave the house...Ugh, this is just GREAT!

Jocelyn and Josie notices more water has been running at the bathroom as well, Jocelyn shuts door completely as for Josie she started turning off the running water...

Josie: I have to be his way with you, this liquid morphing stand is way more than I bargain for! Plus is really freaky! He's a clever bastard!

Suddenly, she remembers what Angelo told her back outside...when he said he had taken care of (YN)...which means he sickly murdered him...

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