A guy with purple hair, pink eyes and a bored expression on his face gives a little wave. "I am Amida Son of Hades" he then looks out into the woods a certain look in his eyes, that I can't quite read, nervousness? Fear? Aino glances at him and pulls him in for a rough hug that he seems to appreciate. A girl with white hair and pink eyes nonchalantly looks up, and then suddenly smiles. "I am Uke Mochi, Daughter of Apollo"

A girl with long brown hair and red eyes, a visible tattoo on the side of her stomach, she oozes knowledge you can partially feel it, she seems like she would be handy in a war. And I already know why, if her mother is of any indication. "I Am Akibimi, daughter of Athena." I am in awe, how does Mito know these living legends? The last guy with pink hair, green eyes and irritation and boredom written all over his face sighs. "I am Aizen Myoo son of Aphrodite." I nod at them.

"Its great to meet you The Ten curses, never thought I would have the pleasure." I state as the entire council and Troupe bow in respect. "The world owes you a debt it can never repay, especially considering the troubles it placed you all through." Pika says politely.

Zushi raises his hand. "I am confused. Who are the ten curses and why do we owe them?" Feitan shoots a glare in Zushi's direction causing him to squirm. Shalnark places a calming hand on his boyfriends shoulder. "Who wishes to tell the non witches and non royals the tale?" He asks as he kisses Feitans cheek, Feitan grumbles and his face turns red.

"We do not have time for this." Aizen sighs out. We all nod. "We should get a move on, Pika can you give them a brief background while we continue?" I ask as we all begin to move once more. Pika nods

"So basically they broke the laws of the Olympians in order to save the world of a threat that they saw coming, their parents didn't believe them and cursed them to earth for eternity to never die, they all were personally cursed as well." He states as we keep moving, everyone nods in understanding, Pokkle seeming like he is about to ask a question. "No we will not tell you our personal curses." Hissed Aizen. Tenzin smacks him upside the head. "Be nice." He warns. "But Aizen is right, its futile to have this conversation before the war, perhaps after we have won." He states confidently.

And so we continue our journey to a place I havent seen in months, a place that held many memories I hold dear to my heart, a place that demolished the fantasy that was my security, a place that only holds misery now. A place I called home.

I take in a deep shuddering breath when we at the edge of the borders. My hands feel all clammy, this is real. It's happening. I feel fingers brush agaisnt mine, I turn to my left to see Gon smiling at me, I give him a small smile back as we interlace our fingers. He squeezes my hand, I take in another deep breath as I look infront of me. "Let's go show them what happens when you fuck with the Zoldycks." Gon whispers in my ear. I nod.

I then turn back and look at all the soldiers and at the ten curses Gon by my side. Kurapika to my right, Leorio beside Kurapika, the rest of the council and Troupe slightly behind us. My eyes flicker across everyone's faces and body movements. "I know you all nervous, and you have every right to be, this could very well be the last day you draw a breath." I pause and gauge everyone's reactions. "But today we make history, we may not live to see our glory, but glory we shall have. Today marks the day everyone will talk about years from now, and you can either be spoken about in awe or in shame. I won't judge you for either choice. So this is your last chance to leave and save your skin." The silence that follows is almost deadly, no one moves an inch.

Zushi steps forward. "We're not going anywhere, I will lay my life down if I must." Zushi makes a fist and punches it twice against his chest. Pokkle and Ponzu share a longing kiss, they stare into each other's eyes, seeming to have a moment that lasts an eternity yet it only lasts a minute, before they step forward, hands connected and punch their chests twice. Those two found each other in this tragedy, I hope to the Gods they both make it, they have been through far too much individually, finally finding peace in one another. Knuckle follows, and soon every member stands together their fists on their chest. I smile. I punch my fist on my chest twice. "Osu!" Everyone follows my lead. "Osu!" I turn back around and take out my machetes, my eyes glowing. "OSU!" I scream as I charge forward everyone charging after me.

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