Oh My Gods, They Are Roomates

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A/N: Mortal AU where they are two "straight" roommates. Nico is nb. Let's get this bread. Should be doing health rn but fuck that.

Word Count: 1157

Tigger Warnings: idk internalized homophobia?

      Will Solace: tall, blond, and handsome, your American dream boy. He grew up in a good neighborhood, never seeming to fail. He effortlessly got a scholarship to go the school of his dreams. Being the social person he was, living alone sounded nightmarish. This prompted him to but a roommate advertisement on the web, hoping it would draw more candidates than the quintessential flyer. Soon enough, candidates came soaring in. Who wouldn't want to live with Mr. Perfect?

      The answer, shockingly, was very few people. This change of thought emerged after Will revealed he was pansexual; responses reigned from disgust and questions, most of which begged to know why he wanted to fuck cookware. Will became exhausted of these responses, but felt it was his duty to at least alert them of his non-heteronormativity. Will also used this "fun" fact about himself to test wether his potential roommate was an asshole or not. Surprisingly, preppy teen boys were not at the top of the list of kind people.

      The day was almost over, the amount consultation appointments deteriorating. Three more to go, Will told himself.

      The first of the three was the female version of Will, to say the least. She had a cheerleader-esque physique with a bright smile and a voice that would make any dog wince. This is the girl that people expected Will to date. Will is more mellow than that, and abhors stereotypes. He quickly shoved her out the door as politely as he could. She was getting a bit too flirty for his taste. He just wanted to find a roommate.

      As he got himself together, he looked through the facebook profile of the next candidate.

      Name: Nico di Angelo

      Pronouns: They/Them

      Age: 19

      Relationship Status: Single

     Will noticed that Nico themselves was LGBTQ+, so they probably wouldn't mind Will. Nico's profile didn't consist of a bio, it seemed they were concise, either that or lazy.

     Will checked his watch. Nico would arrive in three minutes. As he waited, Will couldn't help but admire the ruffles of hair that subtly hid Nicos eyes, or the curve of their jaw. Will silently admitted to himself that Nico was rather attractive, but swore that wouldn't add any prejudice in the selection of his co-tenant.

      A hand, presumably Nico's, knocked at the door. Will jumped to greet them, but gathered himself to not appear too eager. Little scripts ran through his head, his mind often betrayed him by being excitable. Act natural, he decided, facades are for liars.

     With a shaky hand, he turned the lock. Out of sheer habit, he looked down when opening the door. The first impression he got of Nico, unfortunately, was their shoes. Their shoes were quite nice actually, they looked like Dr. Martens. Will just loathed how unassertive he seemed. In moments, he got the idea of looking up rather than pondering why he did the contrary.

     The face Will was greeted with was given no glory by the picture. Will realized he likely looked awestruck, mustering out a simple, "Hi."

     "'Sup," was the response he got in return, along with an outreached hand, "Nico di Angelo, at your service."

     Will gripped the hand with his own, and tried to ignore the electrifying feeling that climbed up his arm. "Good to meet you, come in," Will gestured towards the couch, " have a seat."

     Nico obliged, sitting down on the chair meant for one, draping their legs across the armrest and resting their elbow on the other. "So," Nico said, nonchalantly, "Whatcha gotta know?"

      Though the question was worded rather ineloquently, it was straight to the point and skipped the whole small talk part of the interview. Will was secretly thankful, he likely would've stumbled over his words and struggled to maintain eye contact. "Yeah-" Will paused to clear his throat, "- just, you know, why applied to live here, what you do most of the day."

      "Well," they said, "my parents kicked me out, so I'm living on and off the the streets. I'm fine though, I'm going to university soon anyway. There's not a lot of people looking for a roommate that I think would take me in. I can pay rent and stuff, just not by myself."

Will noticed the openness of the interviewee. He noted it was likely due to a subconscious gaydar that they had. Will didn't find the intensity of the conversation deterred him from sustaining a relationship with Nico. "So," Will began, "you're a student."

"Going to be."

"Oh, okay,"

A moment of uncomfortable silence passed between the two, putting a natural speed bump in their exchange of words. Will mentally reviewed Nicos words, trying to notice anything that would bring concern. He had two questions. He knew the answer to one, but it still begged to be asked, and the other sparked a genuine curiosity in his mind. Will, unable to find a natural moment to speak, nonchalantly spat out his first question. "Why'd your parents kick you out?"

He received a questioning eyebrow in response. "I think you know," Nico said.

Will met their eyes. It was to evaluate the implications of the statement, still, Will mustn't assume someone's answers to everything. After careful choice of words, he said, "I think I do, but I want to make sure I don't have a meth dealer living in my apartment."

"I quit doing that years ago," Nico retorted with a smirk. It took Will a bit to understand that it was a joke, but he soon understood. It was nice, the atmosphere of mutual understanding that was created between the two.

"Just so we're on the same page," Will said, "You were kicked out because you..."

Nico chuckled. "Nonbinary. Also, toric if you know what that means."

"I actually don't," Will said.

"Basically, I'm exclusively interested in men," Nico subtly checked Will out, "but I'm enby, and so it's not gay, at least for me it's not."

Will glanced at them, absorbing the new information. He understand. "Okay, cool, I'm pan."

"Alright, cool," Nico gave Will a beaming grin. "Is there anything else I need to know?"

"No," Will said, escorting them out. "It was really nice meeting you, I'll contact you with any follow up."

"Okay." This is when standard conversational goodbyes came into play. Nico said a polite goodbye to Will.

Will, being of polite nature, had to see the next potential tenant. He doubted that the meeting was necessary, though, he seemed to have a good enough plan.


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