,, - you're mine, only mine ; albedo

Start from the beginning

whimpers threatened to slip out, and so you stifled them immediately, covering your mouth even tighter. the hallway out from the kitchen was a straight shot, so escaping without being seen wasn't an option; hiding was your only hope.

once you were sure you had jammed the doors of the cabinet from the inside, you tried to calm your nerves. the unnerving feeling of throwing up came to you quick, like a sack of bricks being dropped onto your head. rapidly, your thoughts grew darker, thinking of the worse cases of scenarios.

you clenched your eyes shut, letting the tears roll down your cheeks. you had no idea what was going to happen in the next few seconds, but you had one thing certain; you were going to stay put, even if that meant you had to remain until the sun rose in this godforsaken mansion.


there it was; that scary chilling voice. you couldn't tell who it belonged to, as it was too high in pitch to actually distinguish. the lights were still turned off when you heard someone enter the kitchen, because through the cracks of the cabinet, you saw no light appearing through.

"ohhhh y/nnnnn~"

it was like waiting to get stabbed to death, but very slowly. you actually had no idea where you were, and who you were running from when you woke up from your slumber in a strange bedroom. you just started running became your feet told you to.

you could feel your stomach tighten once you heard the footsteps walking around in the kitchen. it was a spacious room with many places to hide, so you prayed for one thing;

that whoever was out there would just think you weren't in there.

you heard the sounds of glass being smashed outside, as well as a few chairs being flung towards what sounded like the wall. you shivered; whimpering in fear, but you managed to silence your vocals before a scream threatened to escape.

you heard the sound of wood upon wood, then a big thump followed by a bunch of metallic sounds, as if something heavy carrying metal tools was being dumped onto the table. your ears picked up on every single sound, listening intently to the sounds of fumbling through metal.

what was happening out there?

just when you thought things couldn't get any worse, you heard it. the worse sound you could have ever imagined;

the sickening sound of a power drill.

oh god... oh god oh god oh god no-

thats when you lost it. tears were streaming down your face and you began to pee yourself uncontrollably. urine was pooling along the bottom of the cabinet.

神. ❛ 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 𝐈Where stories live. Discover now