,, - mistakes make us who we are ; bennett

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" there's no reason why
you should give up
after you fall down. "



i felt sad writing this.

i swear its fluff. i swear.



,, - ♡

[ your pov ]


the small pebbles slid my knee, cutting it open slightly. the yellow sand underneath my body slowly melted into the colour of bright red as the blood trickled down from my scrapped knee. i sat on the sand, and tried to blow on my knee, trying my hardest to not cry, as they all said that crying was weak. my arms had hurt from the previous fall too, and rolling down the cliffs didn't really seem all that fun after you actually had gotten hurt.

i tried blowing on my knee, hoping the pain would go away, but it never did. in the distance, i could hear the rustling of bushes and leaves and i feared the worst. just a few meters away, a few hydro slimes came hopping out from the bushes and once they noticed me, they started to charge straight for me.

i couldn't move, my knees hurt far too much. i stared at the slimes that were two times my small size, and just started to break down crying. i buried my face into my hands as i made my ears listen to the ever growing thumps of the slimes coming towards me. i didn't want to feel much pain, so that was all i prayed for.


i picked my face up just in time to see someone slicing through the slime that was closest to me with a sword. i couldn't really understand it, but all of a sudden, everything was in slow moving motion. i could see the slime excretion get sliced out, as well as the silhouette of the young blonde boy with bits of flames protruding out of the blade of his sword.

the slime backed off and shrunk in size, and now it looked slightly my height. i watched as the young boy sliced through all the slimes, and to my disbelief, he charged up fire from his sword and struck down towards the horde of slimes; but then bounced backwards.

out of worry and panic, i forced myself to stand and run towards him. my knees started to remind me that it was bleeding, and i fell straight down- onto my knees. the bits of sand stung me and increased the pain, but i managed to reach the boy on time.

神. ❛ 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 𝐈Where stories live. Discover now